


   G. W.  Bishop has received his new and elegant stock of spring goods.  

   West York, on last Saturday night, was unfortunate enough to contain within its limits two young roosters who showed very plainly that they had too much benzene aboard.   Of course these young chickens did a good deal of bragging in regard to their physical strength, and manly powers.   It appears they got their whiskey at York, then mounted their steeds and flew to the quiet little town of West York, to have their damnable crimes put before the people.   Take the advice of a friend boys and let such jobs to older and more experienced topers.

   JOHN BAILIFF, the son of R.B. BAILIFF, living in our vicinity, met with a serious accident, a few days since.   He was fooling with a small, single shot pistol, holding the muzzle in his hand when it discharged, the ball passing through his finger and finding lodgment in his thigh.   Johnnie take heed and don’t fool with such small things.

   Four car loads of walnut logs are to be shipped from this station this week.

   G.P. Clayton has returned.   He has been canvassing fruit trees; he says he is doing a good business.

   The agency has changed hands from J.L. Musgrave to Mr. Mitchell.

   Mr. Ormeston is keeping a boarding house in West York; his sister is here on a visit.   She lives in Ohio, when at home