

M.C. Wells took lodging in our city Thursday night.   C.S.BUCKNER was in Marshall Monday on business.   Ruben Wood of Oblong was in our city Sunday looking after one of the fairer sex.   Grandpa Richards was taken worse Wednesday evening but at this writing is reported better.   Grandma Reynolds was taken suddenly worse Friday night but at this writing is reported better.   Tom Apgar and wife came on the train Monday visiting Mrs. J. N. Lindley, her mother.   George Bradbury and Master John of Robinson left Tuesday for Galveston, Texas, for a few days visit.   M.A. Miller, our agent and the big 1, has moved into a part of the James Lindley residence on East main street.   Robey Reynolds of Flat Rock vicinity was visiting his parents, John Reynolds and wife, from Saturday until Monday.   Murl Cox of Robinson, a teacher in the schools at Palestine, visited her cousin, Lulu Seymour, from Friday until Sunday evening.   John D. Thomas and T.W. Richards attended the dedication of the Masonic Hall at Sullivan, Ind, on Tuesday of last week.   MATT NIDEY and wife were called to Johnson City last week on account of the serious illness of ED BAILIFF, a brother of Mrs. Nidey, formerly of this vicinity.   Thomas Grimes, the contractor who has been here almost a year left for St Louis.




Allen Lindley and little son were in town Monday on business.   Mrs. Ada Atkins of Greenup is visiting with Mrs. William Holaday.   H.C. Bell and wife came down Saturday and remained with his mother until Monday.   Dan Gillman of Paris came Saturday to visit Presley Meeker and brothers a few days.   I. Seymour and daughter spent Wednesday on the prairie with his brother, Mort and family.   Jim Bradbury of Fairbanks, Indiana, spent Sunday night with his father and sister Miss Alice.   Mr. Miller of Hutsonville vicinity visited his daughter, Mrs.  Fred Percell, a few days last week.   J.H. Rook of Terre Haute has been in our town several days trying to dispose of his stock of goods.   T.C. BAILIFF went to Wesley Chapel Sunday to preach the funeral of Uncle Billy Wait, some 85 years old.   Mrs. C.B. Lindley returned home Friday after spending some three weeks with her husband at Vincennes, Ind.   Mrs. John D. Thomas went to Rosedale, Ind, Saturday to spend a few days with friends and relatives.   Jakey Umstott and Mel Burner of Annapolis vicinity took the train here Thursday for Marshall on business.   The funeral of a son of Theodore and Maggie Sims was preached by Rev. T.C. BAILIFF  Monday morning.   Joe SIMMS is the proud father of another boy who came Sunday and took up his board.   Miss Laura Holmes from near Portersville visited with Mart Newlin and wife Thursday.   Mrs. J.N. Lindley returned home Friday after some two weeks with her daughter Mrs. B.F. Campbell.




Mrs. John Walter of Robinson came up Thursday and spent the day with Mrs. C.B. Rook.   Miss Florence and Lawrence Seymour of Lamotte Prairie visited their uncle I. Seymour and daughter Lulu.   A surprise was given to Miss Cassa Dix at T.C. BAILIFF Monday evening by several of her friends it being her 19th birthday; while she is quite weak and sick.   The funeral of Thomas Richards of this place was conducted at the M.E. Church Monday at 2 PM by Rev. Terhune.   Thus passed away another of our old pioneers and one that was highly respected and honored by all that knew him.   He was 85 years old.      J.F. Harris of Terre Haute but formerly of this place died Wednesday and was brought here Thursday for burial in Lindley Cemetery.   He leaves a wife and two children, one boy 16 and a babe about 1 year old by his last marriage.   His children, Charles William and Mrs. Munson by his first marriage, also accompanied his remains.