



   As your valuable paper has contained no special news from our place lately, we conceived the idea of writing a few brief notes.

   J.B. Sheaply’s school closed Friday last.

   Mr. Row is erecting a plow and wagon factory at this place.

   Roof and Row are doing business with their grist and saw mill.

   Jacob, Charlie and William Howerton started for Champaign County, Monday last.

   J.M. Wells has been appointed Notary Public by the Governor for the town of Melrose.

   Our centennial man, James Hall, boasts of being one hundred and ten years old and is engaged in a litigation concerning goose pasture.

   The red eye brigade arrived from York.   Wonder if they caught any fish while trying river water.







   Not seeing anything from this place for some time, I thought I would drop you a few lines.    Brownsville is among the things of the past.   H.L. Baker has moved his store to Melrose.   He is now in the Red store, where he is doing a lively trade.   He is a first class business man.   The Rowe Brothers mill is doing a lively business and Melrose is a lively place.   Dr. Booth has moved to the burg.   The medical faculty is Dr. Wilkins, Luky and Brother;   blacksmiths, Joe Kelms and Knops and Company;   carpenters, Knops and Company;   shoemaker, JESSE STANFIELD.   Alfred Cowden swings the birch at Melrose.   McClure has got the wind part of a new railroad done.   He is out with papers in hand preaching Greenback doctrine.





   Melrose was visited last week by the death angel and Dr. R.W. Leckle was called to his reward.   The Doctor came to Melrose during the late unpleasantness from eastern Tennessee and had many warm friends in the community where he died.   The Cottonwood School closed on the 9th after a five month term, Mr. William E. Huffington, teacher.   Mr. H. was educated in Indianapolis, Indiana.   He is a young man of fine talent and other qualifications, such as an unblemished moral character.




   There is only about one more week of Mr. Cowden’s school yet and I must say to Mr. C’s credit, that he has taught us the best school that we have had for several years.   I have heard scarcely a word of complaint from any one and believe he has the good will of the entire school. 

   Melrose will grow in spite of the hard times.   C.W. Rooks and Charles Rowe are building some substantial fences around their lots.   Dr. Wilkin and Joe Knapp have built sidewalks from their gates to connect with other walks, and John Rowe has moved the office formerly used by Dr. Wilkin around on main street, where it will be fitted up for a milliner shop. 




   Melrose is still on the high road to prosperity.   Business of all kinds is flourishing.   The indications are that Melrose in time will furnish her quota of speakers for the legislature.

   The extension of the railroad to this point is a settled fact and lots are being taken rapidly in anticipation of Melrose being a second Chicago.   C.F. Rowe is still alive, but meetings, spelled schools, are things of the past with him since he got married.   Wilbur Fisk returned last week from his flying visit to Indiana.   E.M. Metcalf is making quite an improvement on his farm west of town.   He has erected a dwelling and barn, set out two hundred fruit trees, besides doing all his farming.   A new picket fence surrounds the old hovel occupied by F.G. Hastings.   We would be glad to see a mansion in corresponding with the fencing.   Miss. Mollie Handy, of Reno County, Kansas, is visiting her multitude of friends at this place.   Lee Morland has gone north expecting to manipulate in manual labor this year.   John Crosby gave an entertainment at his residence south of town last Thursday night. 




   Brax. Cox and Levi wells were in town last Sunday.   Our subscription for the proposed railroad now foots up $525 and we are confident this can be double if this becomes necessary.   Our people appreciate the advantages of a railroad through our county and are determined to have one if any reasonable exertion on our part will secure it.   About three-fourths of the land owners along the line have already signed the right of way and many more have expressed a willingness to sign it.   The recent cold snap killed all the peaches and cherries in the vicinity.   Joseph Hedges was re-elected school director at the school election last Saturday.   This makes the third term for Mr. Hedges and certainly entitles him to a pension.




The dwelling house of Jones Spraker, of Orange Twp, was burned yesterday afternoon, with nearly all the contents.   The insurance had run out a short time ago.   John S. Wells, of Martinsville, was visiting his sister, Mrs. Dr. Wilkins, last week.   He has a very sore hand caused by a hatchet, with which he was splitting kindling, coming off the handle and striking his hand.




Rook Bros. will have the addition to their store room completed in a few days.   They have four or five workmen employed on the job and the sound of the hammer is heard from early morning until evening.   Our enterprising merchant, H. L. Baker, keeps his eyes on the wants of the people and carries a varied stock of dry goods and groceries.   Our old friend W. Porter, of Martinsville, candidate for superintendent of Schools, was in this neighborhood last week.







Alex Medsker has moved to this place.   Wesley Reed died on Saturday the 17th.   H.L. Baker has his dwelling house nearly done.   From what we can hear, Melrose will have a railroad yet.   Mrs. J.W. Rowe has watermelon plants up and growing.   The Melrose Township teachers association was held in Melrose, Saturday of last week.   The old soldiers of our vicinity are flocking with one accord to the Grand Army Organization.   P.F. Dodd’s, agriculture warehouse and hall, is almost completed.   When done the hall will be used by the G.A.R.   Any one wishing to purchase a good Mason and Hamlin organ, with all the modern improvements, call on G.H. Rowe, Melrose, Illinois.   Joseph Buckle and Ivy Buckle were united in marriage, at the home of the bride on Sunday the fourth.   At the home of the bride’s mother, Joseph Sankey and angeline Spivey were united in marriage. 




A literary society was organized here last Saturday evening with J.W. Rowe as president, Miss Naomi Edwards, secretary and treasurer, J.B. Sheapley critic and Nathan Medsker, Marshall.   A committee consisted of J. R. Trump, R.W. Fisk and Wilbur was appointed to draft a constitution and bylaws.   The society meets in Melrose every Saturday evening.







Giles Miller is hauling staves to west York.   John Fix is threshing over in Orange Township.   Miss Emma Page of Casey is visiting her uncle, C.M. Meeker.   Isaac Benight, of Streator, IL, is visiting his brother, William Benight.   Miss Alice Bartlett made brief calls on some of her friends this week.   David Murphy, of west Union, swooped down upon us one day last week.   A.G. Cowden was in the village last Tuesday, on one of his old time hand shaking tours.   Col. William Bailey intends to erect a carpenter shop, to protect him from pulverous weather.   Our merchants are waging warfare on the price of salt.   Several members of Thomas Handy Post were billed for York Thursday night, but the lowering clouds caused them to reconsider and stay at home.   We hear that J.R. Trump has been employed to teach the winter school here.   Levi B.Wells, of Martinsville, brought the advance agent of King Burk’s show into our burg last Thursday and now P.F. Dodd’s agricultural house is refulgent with circus pictures, to the great delight of the small boys.   Rowe Bros. mill is again in successful operation with improved machinery and facilities for making as good flour as can be found anywhere. 




Jasper Meeker had a good horse to die this week.   A brother of Melvin Bemer, from north Missouri, is visiting here.   J.H. Edwards went down to Bellaire and Annapolis one day last week.   B.C. Hasten is taking in all the picnics, dispensing candy and ice cream.   Archie Fears and Daniel Hull, of west Union, were in the village Tuesday.   William Barton, Ed Sibley and their wives and Jim Sibley, came over from Terre Haute, on Friday of last week and returned on Tuesday of this week.   The gentlemen brought down several prairie chickens while here.   The harvesting of the prairie chicken crop on Dolson Prairie was begun on the mourning of the 15th.   Married on Thursday evening, August 20, by rev. Thomas Bailiff, at his residence, Mr. Joseph Howerton and Miss Ella Thompson.   A number of the friends gathered at the house of James Thompson, the bride’s father.




A daughter of Ham Rowe is visiting friends here.   H.L. Baker has improved his premises by means of a new cistern and force pump.   F.G. Hasten has sold his farm to Rev. Bellnap and expects soon to start for Kansas.   A.J. Darnell bought fourteen yearling calves of David R. Ellington, for which he paid $350.   Daniel Brown is hauling saw logs to build more buildings.   Dr. J. W. baker brought a well trained bird dog from William Rockwell for which he paid full value.   Another wedding to conical this week:   Mr. George Filloon to a Miss Perisho.   Frank Miller of Marshall was in our village.   Joseph Howerton is repairing Uncle Joe Well’s house south of town where he and his handsome young wife will soon begin life’s journey.   Nathan Medsker of South Carolina Democratic fame still keeps up the war cry against republicans.   HE SEEMS INSPIRED WITH EXTREME HOSTILITY TOWARD T.R. Cornwell, charging him with the use of whiskey, buying votes, bribing, and all the various crimes as which democrats have always been known to hold up their hands in holy horror.   Look out, Reck, for we all know that Nathan is a host in law.    We see in this week’s Planet, the correspondent from this place has a quite lengthily item in mitigation of the offence committed by G.H, Rowe in taking a piece of timber to strike a small boy.




Rev. Minick will preach here next Sunday. Elder Rupp
preached at the Bethel Church
last Sunday. Ed
Medcalf and James
Pulver are both done husking corn.
J.R. Trump began a three months school here last
Bailey will look after the condition
of the highways again this year.C.M.
Meeker says he would like to sell his Orange Township land at
last years assessment.George Bartlett would take no boot between
himself and the oldest man in the township.
He has a girl friend.


Jasper meeker has a cow to trade. Malt wells has taken down his flag
of truce. A.J.
Darnell of Vermillion County visiting
his farm west of town yesterday. Mrs.
Catherine Trump and her grandson Louie have been in Ohio for
the last two
weeks. Marion
Dehl, from Johnson Twp,
was here one day this week looking after the winter school. Col. Bailey
has had a force of men on the
roads for several days. Rev. Minnick
preached at the Bethel last Sunday in the forenoon and Aunt
Jane Gire, of the
Friends persuasion preached at 3 pm. There are few, if any, better places to buy farm
machinery than
Melrose. In
the last two weeks there
have been sold from here ten cultivators, four corn planters,
besides wagons,
plows and other farming utensils. J.M.
Meeker who has been suffering with consumption for several
months, died last
Sunday. He
was buried at Wesley Chapel
Cemetery on Monday. Funeral services
by Rev. Ewers. Mr.
Meeker moved here
from Ohio in 1840 and has lived here ever since. He was one of the old settlers. In his younger days he studied medicine but never


Frank Miller was in town Wednesday. Al Rowe and
family went to Casey last
Sunday. Rev.
Rupp will preach at the
Bethel tomorrow. Levi
Wells is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Dr. Wilkin. C.B. Rook visited Terre Haute the first of the week. P.F. Dodd is
introducing a new fangled corn
planter. James
Thompson is making his
annual sheep shearing tour. J.H. Edwards
and his sister, Mrs. Doctor Baker, spent Sunday in this
vicinity. Mrs.
Emma Rowe and Mrs. Jones, of
Martinsville, visited here last Tuesday. Mrs. John Perine has been confined to her bed two weeks
with lung
trouble. Thomas
handy post is making
preparations to have appropriate exercises on declaration day.








Oscar Edwards is at home on a visit from Pontiac.   C.W. CORNWELL and wife spent Sunday at W.B. Hastings.   Milo Baker visited Purl Nichols at Fairbanks, Indiana, part of last week.   Floe Hastings of Terre Haute spent Sunday with her grandparents.   Rev. D.H. Rupp will begin his meeting at Cooper Chapel this week.   Mrs. Arthur Meeker of Kentucky is visiting her grandparents, W.B. Hastings and wife.   WHEELER CORNWELL of Kansas has returned home after an extended visit with relatives here.   Mrs. Mary McKee of Caney, Kansas, visited from Tuesday to Friday with S.S. Snavely and family.   Misses Lottie and Alice Snavely returned home Tuesday after a visit with their brothers in Sullivan, Indiana.   R.E. Stratton and wife of White Oak spent from Wednesday to Friday with his sister, Mrs. S.S. Snavely.




Axiom Spivey was at West York Monday.   ROSS BUCKNER was on our streets Saturday.   Percy Hasten spent Sunday with Charles Howerton.   Everett and Alva Bowden spent Sunday with Oren Wells.   Charlie Beckwith and Harry Dodd were at Martinsville Saturday.   Will Ogle, Purl and Otto Nichols have been hauling corn for P.F. Dodd?   Fred Thompson purchased a couple colts of Elmer Snavely last week.   EDNA MEDSKER and Mattie Huffington spent Sunday with Maggie Drummond.   C.W. CORNWELL and wife entertained the young folks of this vicinity at a masquerade party Saturday night.




Mrs. E.M. Baker is on the sick list.   Minnie Barkalow was in town Monday.   Elias Baker was at west York Friday.   Mrs. J.R. Trump has been sick the past week.   Glenie and Ollie Thompson were in town Monday.   Dollie Snavely spent Sunday with Goldia wells.   Ellis Ratts and wife visited Axom Spivey Friday.   Fred Crumrin and Harry Smith were at Marshall Saturday.   Mrs. Snavely and Mrs. Rupp visited Mrs. Sam white Thursday.   Henry Spivey of Hutsonville spent Sunday with his father, Axom Spivey.   Joe Newlin and family visited relatives near Kickapoo Saturday night.   B.C. Hastings of Terre Haute visited his parents W.B. Hastings and wife last week.   Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Rupp visited Aunt Rachel Jones.   She is seriously ill at her nephews Henry Hix.   Alice, oldest daughter of Mitch Gard, died last Sunday night and was buried at the Ohio Cemetery Tuesday.   Mrs. C.B. Rook of West York is at the bedside of her cousin, Clark a Howerton, who is very low with typhoid fever.   Harry Baker visited his brother Milo Sunday and went to visit his uncle and Aunt John Evans and wife, Sunday evening.




Mrs. J.R. Trump is improving.   Clara Leonard is visiting Callie Spivey.   Elmer Snavely was in west York, Sunday.   Golda Wells Sundayed with Edna Medsker.   Mrs. Kate Murphy sundayed with Mrs. D.H. Rupp.   Clark A Howerton is still very low with typhoid fever.   Charles Hixs and family spent Sunday with Henry Hix and family.   Lamont Bartlett of near Union spent Sunday with Rev. Rupp and wife.   MRS. T. R. CORNWELL AND SON RAY SPENT SUNDAY WITH C.W. CORNWELL AND WIFE.   FRANK STANFIELD and family Sundayed with his parents, JESSE STANFIELD.  Mrs. S.S. Snavely spent Sunday with her daughter-in –law, Mrs. Elmer Snavely, who is sick.   Perry Drake, Minnie Barkslow, Muriel McNary and Golda wells spent Friday with Lottie and Alice Snavely.




Ed Medsker has a new telephone.   Ernest Spivey is working near Hutsonville.   Edna Medsker spent Sunday with Goldie Wells.   ROSS BUCKNER and mother were in town Monday.   Dodd brothers have established a sugar camp on raccoon.   Percy hasten attended the last day of school at #6.   Harry Milburn is going to move on Mr. Brown’s farm.   Jackson Leonard moved on Charles Meeker place Monday.   Minnie Barkalow is suffering from a severe attack of grip.   Charles Davis and ZACK MEDSKER were in Martinsville Wednesday.   English brothers have purchased a half interest in a threshing machine.   Lottie Snavely is staying with her brother Elmer and wife of Orange.   Jacob Kannamacker of Anderson has moved his saw mill on OTTO STANFIELD’S FARM.   John wells and family spent Thursday with Elmer Snavely and wife of Orange.   We notice that Ernest Wells does not make his weekly trips to Ohio vicinity.   Maud McNary spent Monday and Tuesday with friends and relatives in this vicinity.   Rev. Rupp filled his appointment at Wabash Bethel and cooper Chapel Sunday and Sunday night.   Mrs. Nora Pyles who has been visiting her parents Axiom Spivey and wife the last week, left Monday for Colorado.




Mrs. Elmer Snavely is improving.   FRANK STANFIELD and JOE CORNWELL have been hauling hay.   Alva Wells is thinking of learning the harness making trade soon.   George Barnes and wife spent Sunday with Bud Freeman and wife.   Milo Baker will begin work for Ford and Otho Thompson the first of April.   Charles Hix and wife spent Sunday with Uncle JESSE STANFIELD and wife.   Mattie Huffington of Allright has applied for the summer school here.   Joe Hedges spent from Tuesday until Thursday with relatives with Marshall.   G.W. Thompson and wife spent Sunday with their son Ford and wife in west Union.   CHARLES CORNWELL and wife spent Sunday with his mother, MRS ELIZABETH CORNWELL and family.   Percy Hasten, Charles Howerton, Rosa and Myrtie Pendleton visited the oil well on Ada Upshot’s Sunday.   Elmer Snavely, RAY CORNWELL, Mrs. Rachel Meeker and roe Welch were added to the Melrose-Orange telephone line.   Mrs. Lizzie Hanley of Columbus, Ohio, is visiting her nieces, Mrs. Frank Hedges and Mrs. C.W. CORNWELL. 




P.F. Dodd lost a valuable horse last Wednesday night.   The new telephones were installed on the Melrose and Orange line Friday.   Mrs. Verna Trump of Indianapolis visited the family of J.R. Trump last week.   Amy Trump went to Indianapolis Tuesday to visit her brother Arthur and wife.   Harry Crumrin who has been working at the asylum at Jacksonville is at home for a two week vacation. 




Minnie Barkalow has the measles.   S.S. Snavely went to St Louis Tuesday.   Alec Craig and wife passed thru our burg Sunday.   MRS. ZACK MEDSKER died Monday and was buried on Tuesday.  Elmer Snavely and RAY CORNWELL both have sick horses.   Axom Spivey was a business caller in west Union Monday.   Mrs. Sam White died Saturday and was buried Sunday at the Ohio Cemetery.  MRS. ELIZABETH CORNWELL is going to keep her daughters children as was her dying request.   The Swift Bros. show is in town this week.   The Stewart children were here last week, it seems as Melrose is quite an attraction for shows.




Gracie Newlin has a very sore foot.   Lottie Snavely was at west York Tuesday.   John Carpenter was trading here Saturday.   Mrs. P.F. Dodd was a Martinsville visitor Monday.   Rev. Rupp filled his appointment at Wabash Sunday.   Oddest Richart of Cherry Point is visiting relatives here.   F.G Hasten and wife Sundayed with his parents, William hasten and wife.   Arthur Snavely of Sullivan spent from Sunday until Tuesday with home folks.   Uncle Joe wells and wife and Elmer Snavely and wife spent Sunday with John Welsh and family.   Ford Thompson and wife and Dessie Colvin of west Union spent Sunday with G.W. Thompson and family.   ROSS CORNWELL returned home from Marshall last week where he has been working.   He was through our burg Saturday breaking a new colt.




Tennis Shaffner has a new buggy.  Mrs. Joseph Wells has been quite sick.   Milo baker is working on the tank farm.   Elmer Snavely is the possessor of a new buggy.   Mrs. Ethel Tharp of Darwin is visiting her mother, MINERVA MORRIS.   Bryon Hastings and family of Terre Haute are visiting relatives here.   Jesse Spraker and wife sundayed with Will Medsker and wife.   F.G. Hasten and son Perry were Martinsville visitors.   Myrtie Pendleton spent Sunday night with her sister, Mrs. P.C. Hasten.   Mabel Thompson and Edna Medsker spent Monday with Pleasant Cooper.   CHARLES CORNWELL is running a chicken picking establishment at West Union.   Lee STANFIELD and family spent Sunday with his father JESSE STANFIELD.   Axom Spivey and family visited J.L. Roberts of York Tuesday who is very ill.   Mrs. Leah Shaffner and Edna Medsker spent Sunday with G.W. Thompson and family.   Harry, Fred and Reno Crumrin spent Sunday with home folks.   They are working on the tank farm.  Harry smith and wife and FRANK STANFIELD and family Sundayed with Chester Hix and family.   Mrs. Mag rook and daughter Jessie and Mrs. Brooks of west York have been visiting Joseph Wells and wife.   Ford Thompson, wife and daughter ruby and Dessie Colvin of west Union spent Sunday with Elmer Snavely and wife.   Frank Hasten and wife, Bryon Hasten and family and Perry Hasten and wife Sundayed with William hasten and wife.   Clarence Evans is having a new house built.   G.W. Thompson and brother Al and Robert Weir are doing well.   J.C. English baled hay for J.N. Phillippi last week.  Myrtie Pendleton who has been quite sick is improving.   Dan brown of hall vicinity is laid up with rheumatism.   Massa Bob Hedges of Marshall is visiting at home.   E.M. Baker and wife saw the show at Marshall last week.   G.W. Thompson will build a fine residence for Clarence Evans soon.   Mrs. Mary Medsker lost two valuable horses by lightening Sunday night.   Elder D.H. Rupp filled the appointment at Melrose Sunday and Sunday night.   Mrs. Nila smith and son Homer of weir spent Sunday with F.G. Hasten and family.   J.R. Trump and wife and E.L. Trump and wife spent Sunday on Lamont Prairie.  OTTO CORNWELL and Joe Newlin finished the harvesting of sixty acres of fine timothy last week. 




S.S. Snavely went to St Louis Monday.   D.H. Rupp was in Martinsville Thursday.   Alex Craig and wife spent Sunday with William Medsker.   F.M. Buckner and brother Charlie were in town Monday.  Lee Stanfield and wife were at Marshall Saturday.   Percy hasten has been hauling material to erect a new house.   F.G. Hasten and wife were Martinsville callers Saturday.   Mrs. Mary Little of Terre Haute is visiting her cousin Mrs., P.F. Dodd.   George baker and wife of Terre Haute are visiting her brother Elias and wife.   Mabel Thompson and Mrs. Ford Thompson were Marshall visitors Wednesday.  George Stratton of Casey visited S.S. Snavely and family Saturday night and Sunday.   F.G. Hasten and wife and P.C. Hasten and wife visited Elias Baker and wife Sunday.   Elias Baker and wife and George Baker and wife spent Monday with Mrs. Ella Hunter and family.   Little Janice trump of Ohio has come to make her home with her father Charles Trump.   George Hurst and wife of Marshall spent Saturday night and Sunday with P.F. Dodd and family.   Mrs. Frank Hedges Jr.  spent part of last week with her brother, Fred Wells and family in Marshall.   Mrs. J.M.  Richart returned to her home in Cherry Point last week after spending a few weeks visiting with relatives.   Mrs. D.H. Rupp and Lottie and Alice Snavely spent last Tuesday with T.J. Snavely and wife of near West Union.   Mrs. C.T. Ishler, Mrs. Nellie Schumaker and Ida Snavely of Martinsville visited relatives here Wednesday and Thursday.   Harry Crumrin left last week for Springfield to attend the state fair.  Charles Rupp of Golconda, Nevada, who has been visiting relatives in this vicinity left Saturday.




P.F. Dodd was in Marshall Friday.  Rama Gayhart has returned from Cairo.   Myrtle Hedges is progressing nicely with her school.   Axom Spivey and wife were in Martinsville Saturday.   Axom Spivey was in Sullivan a couple days ago.   Roy Bartlett and family have moved to Ed Medskers farm.   J. W. Vanfleet was seen on our streets Sunday evening.   Aunt Hester Stanfield is visiting the family of Charles Hix.   Rev. D.H. Rupp filled his appointment at Wabash Sunday.   Percy Medsker made a business trip to Martinsville Thursday.   Effa Craig of Ohio is staying with her aunt Mollie Medsker.   Blanche Hodge is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Ed Gard of Robinson.   Will Maxwell and wife were the guest of Mollie Medsker Sunday.   Jimmy Thompson of Martinsville was in our burg part of last week.  CHARLES CORNWELL who has been staying in west Union spent Sunday with home folks.   Rev. D.H. Rupp and wife were at Terre Haute Friday and spent the day with J. Meyers and wife.   We are sorry to learn that our old friend Melvin Beamer starts for California Tuesday where he will make his future home.   C.H. Snavely and wife of Sullivan, In, who have been visiting his parents S.S. Snavely and wife for a week returned home Tuesday.   We understand that LEE STANFIELD and family will leave us and move to Greenup the last of this week and that Fred wells and family of Marshall will move to the place vacated by Lee.