Contributed to usgenweb by Ron Cornwell (recornwell4@charter.net)
and Cindy McCachern (mccachern@att.net). We have many Clark
County connections, please contact us for more information.
USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be
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any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or
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to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free
Below is the list of people assessed for personal property taxes due
in the year 1908.
Behner, Anna
Buser, Fred
Dulaney, Hector B.
O'Gara, John
Peck, Rice
Baird, B.T.
Brady, James
Callahan, John
Catron, John
Claypool, John
Cline, Kate
Craig, Thomas
Davidson, D.J.
Gray, Austin
Hutchings, Nelson
Johnson, B.F.
Kerr, J.K.
Murphy, Ruf
Phillips, John
Reynolds, E.
Ritter, Gus
Stewart, Tilford
Weir, L.J.
Williams, C.E.
Fawley, Elmer
Davidson, Dean
Dittman, William
Henbest, Ed
Junker, Ernest
Kerr, Jane B.
Quick, S.D.
Shipe, T.W.
Gore, Olin
Howard, E.M.
Howard, George H.
Johnson, B.F.
Mitchell, R.A.
Reynolds, Katie
Taubeneck, Vic
Thompson, John
Thompson, John L.
Weible, Elizabeth
Arbogast, Albert
Flowers, Charles
Horner, Oscar
Nightlinger, Earl
Ross, Jennie
Walters, Hattie
Walters, J.C.
Norton, J.B. Jr.
Brown, R.H.
Braynard, Henry
English, E.W.
English, I.W.
English, Robert
Farris, Harry
Gallagher, James
Grisham, H.C.
LeGore, Ben
Moke, John
Scholfield, Warren
Sharkey, W.J.
Wright, Nathan
Atkinson, Fred
Beadle, C.E.
Behner, E.B.
Behner, G.
Curran, Barney
Curran, James
Findley, Clarence
Golden, Daniel
Hackett, Walter
Holler, Ross
Hornbook, Charles
Hornbrook, William
Hukill, William
Madden, Thomas
McCarty, Edward
Ryan, William H.
Shipe, Charles
Welsh, Frank
Babcock, Bradley
Clark, Homer
Dawson, Ella S.
Dawson, John E.
Findley, Edward
Findley, Harry
Findley, Henry
Findley, J.A.
Findley, W.R.
Fox, Wesley
Fox, William
Gilbert, Bruce
Glover, Joseph
Graham, John E.
Hornbrook, Frank
Inlow, P.F.
Jenkins, William
Kime, John
Lovell, Reuben
Lutz, Bert
Lycan, Byrd
Lycan, James
Murphy, Alphonzo
Murphy, E.W.
Murphy, I.R.
Murphy, T.D.
Myers, James
O'Gara William
Perry, Hannah
Rupp, Roy
Stephenson, R.L.
Umbarger, Sam
Veach, B.F.
Wieland, Charles
Weiland, Fred
Beauchamp, N.L.
Behmer, Henry
Behmer, Phil
Black, R.E.
Bowman, George
Braker, A.M.
Braynard, Bruce
Buser, Fred
Elliott, J.A.
Ferry, Joe
Ferry, John
Ferry, Pat
Goodrich, W.J.
Guinnip, Charles
Guinnip, Ellen
Guinnip, Ed
Gunder, George
Hargrave, William
Hill, S.C.
Huffman, William
King, M.C.
Mayer, William
McCarty, M.L.
Myers, George
Rollings, Frank
Roundtree, J.D.
Bierbaum, Henry
Dawson, J.W.
Dawson, Robert
Donehue, John
Eckle, Daniel
Gibson, George
Hackett, Miller
Harper, Florence
Heinige, Frank
Hodson, George
Irwin, Allen
Irwin, Andy
Irwin, Dave
Irwin, Edwin
Irwin, Sherman
Kearn, William
Lovall, Charles
Lowry, Lyman
Mathew, Albert
McDonald, Eliza
Miller, M.J.
Norton, James
Norton, Melvin
Olinger, Tom
Shonk, David
Shonk, Lyman
Smithy, Joseph
Starkey, Stephen
Throckmorton, Wesley
Vanorman, Lu
Vaughan, P.A.
Vaughan, Riley
Wallace, Sam
Washburn, William
Baughman, W.A.
Hutchings, John H.
Irwin, Simon
McClain, Neal
Murphy, W.B.
Smith, Forrest
Veach, Will
Amacher, Chris
Arbuckle, Esta
Arbuckle, Zane
Arford, E.K.
Bierbaum, John H.
Casteel, John W.
Clouse, Emanuel
Clouse, Jake
Clouse, William A.
Dietz, Henry
Easterday, Wesley
Gageen, John
Honderick, Abie
Kallansa, Fred
Kile, George
Kreimer, Henry
Moore, Frank
Moore, James
Moore, Mike
Renner, Chris
Renner, G.F.
Renner, J.W.
Smith, Alvin
Stewart, Frank
Williams, C.O.
Anacher, Charley
Bamesberger, Abe
Coats, John
Cole, John
Dulaney, Hector B.
Meehling, Henry
Miller, Theodore
Morgan, W.J.
Murphy, W.
Ramsey, George
Renner, E.D.
Spotts, William
Swimford, A.D.
Ashworth, John
Burns, Curt
Hornbrook, H.
Neff, Dan
Shoemaker, George
SCHOOL DIST 16 (Outside City)
Arbogast, Albert
Baird, B.T.
Baird, E.H.
Baird, George
Baird, R.H.
Baird, Wallace
Behner, M.L.
Black, F.R.
Black, J.K.
Black, Kenneth
Black, R.H.
Blundell, C.L.
Blunk, Mrs. Cecil
Booth, True
Bord, B.H.D.
Bradley, R.H.
Bray, James
Brossman, Peter
Bryan, Bert
Burnett, J.R.
Butler, S.G.
Burnside, L.A.
Davidson, George S.
Davison, Reese
Doll, D.D.
Falley, Lee
Findley, Robert
Fix, R.O.
Fredenberger, Sarah
Gallagher, J.E.
Gallagher, Owen
Gallatin, Jesse
Harlan, Ed
Henbest, Ed
Huey, Isaac
Lewis, J.W.
Litteral, George
Lutz, Joseph
Madden, Michael
Mark, Matilda
Morris, Carrie
Morton, E.D.
Musselman, E.M.
Peck, S.M.
Rayhill, George
Shaw, Edward
Smith, J.W.
Stewart, Josephas
Stewart, Ross
Sullivan, Morris
Thacker, William
Thompson, Robert
Tingley, Samuel
Whitcomb, N.
Williams, W.A.
Veach, William
Adams, Ernest
Adams, J.W.
Alabaugh, T.J.
Allen, Willard
Anderson, Byron
Andrews, Fannie
Anderson, L.B.
Arbuckle, Laura
Arbuckle, Zane Jr.
Archer, John M.
Archer, L.G.
Atwood, Thomas
Barley, C.C.
Baker, E.C. I.
Baker, Elizabeth
Baker, Henry
Bamesbarger, Emma
Bamesbarger, G.
Bartlett, F.J.
Behner, C.F.
Behner, L.
Bell, W.W.
Bennett, Norman
Berryman, George
Bieneman, J.C.
Bitner, A.O.
Blizzard, H.C.
Blizzard, J.W.
Black, M.
Blocksom, Joseph
Bolton, Elmer C.
Booth, Edwin
Bowman, John
Bowman, Theodore
Bowles, Otis
Brady, Joe
Brady, John
Brady, James
Briscoe, Mary
Brosman, Frank M.
Brosman, John
Brown, G.H.
Brown, Maggie E.
Brown, Mrs. Margie
Brown, R.H.
Bryan, T.H.
Bullard, H.D.
Bussard, Cicero
Callahan, Daniel
Carter, C.E.
Carter, Sarah
Casteel, Harry G.
Casteel, R.A.
Catron, John
Chenoweth, Sarah
Chenoweth, William L.
Chicadonz, C.A.
Chicadonz, Frank
Chicadonz, William H.
Clapp, Anice
Clapp, Charles
Clapper, Edwin
Clark, Clarence
Clark, Mary
Clark, T.W.
Clatfelter, C.E.
Clatfelter, Fred
Claypool, Caroline
Claypool, Emanuel
Claypool, Isaac
Claypool, John
Claypool, Melvin
Claypool, Susan
Clem, C.E.
Clift, L.C.
Cline, Katie
Cline, William
Cole, Amanda
Cole, Charles
Cole, Edward
Cole, Frank
Cole, Lu
Cole, V.L.
Cole, Walter
Conaha, Peter
Connelly, Everett
Cook, C.C.
Cook, J.L.
Cooper, Sheridan
Coppock, Otto
Coppock, W.W.
Cork, Clay
Cork, Harry E.
Cork, Louisa
Correll, O.C.
Covert, Fred
Craig, B.F.
Craig, Eunice
Craig, J.C.
Craig, Thomas
Crossley, Mary A.F.
Crumrine, Phidelia
Culter, Ross
Culter, Vance
Culter, William
Cunningham, John
Curtis, Frank
Daniels, Nathan
Danner, Roy E.
Darley, Sophia
Davidson, Abie
Davidson, Mary A.
Davis, G.C.
Davis, Riley
Davis, Shelton
Davis, T.E.
Davison, B.M.
Davison, George
Davison, John
Dawson, Lucinda
Deaner, A.R.
Deitrick, William
Devel, Milton I.
Devol, N.B.
Dewey, H.M.
Dickens, Andrew
Dickson, W.A.
Dietzel, Henry
Dittman, William
Dixon, C.A.
Doll, D.D.
Doll, William H.
Darvill, F.R.
Dougan, John
Dow, A.G.
Dow, John
Drain, James
Dulaney, H.B.
Duncan, E.M.
Dunn, J.C.
Dunn, James W.
Duzan, Richard
Eaton, E.D.
Eaton, Frank
Eggelbrich, Frank
Eggebrech, Otto
Eit, William
Elikoffer, A.
Elston, Dave
Elston, John
Emerson, Edward
Engles, W.D.
Express, Adams
Farris, James
Farris, William
Fawley, Elmer
Fawley, J.W.
Ferry, Arthur
Ferry, Mrs. D.C.
Ferry, Pat
Figg, Charles
Firman, J.B.
Fishback, C.E.
Fishback, Joe
Fishback, Thomas
Flowers, Charles
Flowers, John
Floyd, Charles
Forbeck, Antone
Forbeck, Frank
Forbeck, John Jr.
Forbeck, John SR.
Forbeck, Joseph
Forbeck, Nicholas
Foster, Frank
Fredenberger, John
Gaddis, Jesse
Gaddis, Presley
Gallagher, Mrs. J.D.
Garver, A.J.
Garwood, E.D.
German, George
German, William
Gibson, William
Gilbert, Mary S.
Gilbert, William
Golden, T.J.
Good, J.W.
Gore, O.H.
Gorham, C.E.
Grabenheimer, Joe
Grabenheimer, M.
Graham, J.W.
Gray, Aut
Gray, Lote
Green, B.F.
Green, Warren
Greenough, Mary
Grim, Thomas
Grisham, Louis
Guinnip, Mary E.
Gully, L.W.
Gummere, John
Gummere, William
Gunder, Joe
Hackett, H.
Hanks, E.E.
Hall, C.
Hall, Isaiah
Hall, M.
Handley, Howard
Handy, Sol
Harlan, William H.
Harlan, Wilson
Harris, James
Hedden, Nathan
Hedrick, M.M.
Helman, Eliza
Hemphill, Albert
Hemphill, Austin
Henbest, E.D.
Henry, George
Henson, F.A.
Higgins, John
Highfill, J.P.
Highfill, J.W.
Hill, Ben
Hillman, F.H.
Hilt, Henry
Hodge, W.R.
Hogue, Bert
Hogue, W.W.
Hollenbeck, W.T.
Holler, Mary L.
Honderick, Michael
Honderick, Moutside
Hooper, James
Horner, Harry
Horner, Oscar
Horrell, Jerome
Hosteter, Mary
Houk, G.B.
Houk, W.H.
Howard, George
Howell, E.D.
Howell, Ernie
Huey, Albert
Huey, F.W.
Huey, John
Huffington, M.L.
Hughes, A.
Hunter, Narcissus
Hurst, Arthur
Hurst, E.R.
Hurst, F.M.
Hurst, G.W.
Hurst, Seymour
Hurton, Charles
Husted, Grant
Hutchison, Dorcas
Hutchison, J.A.
Hutchison, Joe W.
Hutchison, N.S.
Hybarger, A.L.
Ingram, John
Irwin, Bart
Jackson, Robert
Janney, Dora
Janney, Victor
Jeffers, Roy W.
Jennings, John
Johnson, B.F.
Johnson, Fannie
Johnson, George
Johnson, Cy
Jolly, D.S.
Jones, A.D.
Jones, Aaron
Jones, E.D.
Jones, L.W.
Jones, Mrs. R.C.
Jones, Nettie
Jumper, Effie
Junker, Ernest
Kadeska, Frank
Karn, W.E.
Kaufman, John
Kaufman, Peter
Keifer, Fred
Keifer, J.L.
Keiser, O.A.
Kellar, Will
Kellogg, F.W.
Kerr, J.K.
Kerr, Jane B.
Kibbie, Will
Knipe, William
Kohl, English
Kohl, Mrs. Eva
Krahner, George
Lake, Frank
Lambdin, Gus
Lamberson, L.A.
Landreth, H.R.
Lane, John
Laughman, Jacob
Lawrence, Dick
LeGore, O.
Leseure, H.
Leslie, Susan
Lewis, J.W.
Lickert, Louisa
Lillie, Peter C.
Linton, F.I.
Littlefield, Margaret
Lockard, E.A.
Lockard, Emma
Lockhart, Henry
Logue, Morris
Lovell, Walter
Low, William
Lutz, Fannie
Lutz, L.
Lutz, Mary
Lutz, William
Lycan, A.D.
Lycan, W.S.
Machlan, W.T.
Maring, S.F.
Markle, F.F.
Marlow, Elmer
Martin, Beeson
Martin, Charles
Martin, Foster
Martin, J.B.
Martin, William T. Jr.
Marvin, John
Mason, G.W.
Mathew, Milton
Mathews, A.B.
Mathews, Allen
Mathews, Bert
Mathews, Lida
Mathews, William
McCann, M.E.
McCarty, Mary
McCoy, E.E.
McDaniel, E.W.
McDaniel, M.
McFarland, L.
McHery, Hugh
McIlrath, James
McLaughlin, W.E.
McMain, George
McMain, Joe
McMullen, J.W.
McMurray, Nora
Meehling, George
Meehling, J.J.
Meloy, John
Metz, Charles
Metz, Jacob
Michael, E.N.
Michael, John
Mitchell, C.D.
Mitchell, Henry
Mitchell, R.A.
Mitchell, T.L.
Montgomery, John
Moorecraft, Roy
Morgan, George W.
Morgan, William
Morris, Buel
Morton, J.A.
Moyer, W.
Mundorf, John
Murphy, Emma
Murrey, C.M.
Nay, Edgar
Newberry, H.
Nickles, C.W.
Nightlinger, Charles E.
Nightlinger, O.N.
Nightlinger, O.N.
Noaks, H.
Nunfer, P.A.
Obrist, Ben H.
Obrist, James W.
Ogie, Ben
O'Halloran, Rose
Orthwein, J.G.
Parson, C.L.
Patton, J.W.
Payne, E.M.
Pearce, E.D.
Peck, J.W.
Pennington, Perry
Perdue, Etta
Perisho, W.C.
Perry, Dora
Pine, Frank
Pine, Isaac A.
Pittenger, Abe
Plasters, Franz
Platz, Levi
Poorman, Arthur
Porter, M.W.
Potters, Wren
Prevo, Sam
Prewett, G.W.
Prewett, Robert
Pricer, J.L.
Pritchard, Grant
Pritchard, I.F.
Puffinbarger, A.E.
Puffinbarger, William
Pulver, George
Pulver, James
Pulver, Miles
Purcell, W.W.
Purdunn, C.A.
Quick, Homer
Quick, Lyman
Quick, S.D.
Ralston, W.W.
Randall, C.L.
Read, P.E.
Rector, J.L.
Rector, Will
Redifer, Charles
Reese, G.B.
Remlinger, Jake
Reynolds, Hugh
Reynolds, John
Rhoades, F.M.
Rhodes, George
Richards, J.W.
Rider, Sam
Riley, George
Riley, Thomas
Ritter, Gus
Roach, Dan
Robinson, J.A.
Rolison, J.A.
Rollings, Willis
Rollison, Owen
Rose, George A.
Rose, J.J.
Ross, A.N.
Ross, Otto
Ross, Sextus
Rubel, P.G.
Rudy, Sam H.
Rutman, Arminta
Schlosser, O.E.
Scholfield, Ben
Scholfield, S.M.
Scholfield, Warren
Scholfield, William B.
Schwancke, L.E.
Schwancke, L.P.
Scott, Charles
Scott, J.L.
See, Otho
Seigle, E.B.
Shad, William
Shade, William
Shaner, D.E.
Shaw, Fred
Shaw, Gertrude
Shepard, M.L.
Shipe, T.W.
Shiver, Sam
Shoemaker, J.D.
Simmons, C.B.
Simpson, J.W.
Sivern, Jay
Slusser, Cora
Slusser, Ezra
Slusser, George
Smith, Anna
Smith, C.W.
Smith, Charles
Smith, Clarence
Smith, Julia
Smith, Mrs. Ed
Snavely, H.R.
Snider, J.E.
Spangler, Peter
Sparks, Charles
Spittler, Fred
Spotts, Walker
Staggs, J.N.
Staley, William
Starkey, Caleb
Starks, John
Statler, Henry
Steel, Joe
Stevens, W.W.
Stewart, Charles T.
Stewart, Flora
Stewart, Harrison
Stover, Dan
Stohm, Louis
Sullivan, Charles E.
Swope, Alonzo
Tarman, Arthur
Taubeneck, Carl V.
Taubeneck, Charles
Taubeneck, George
Taubeneck, Mary
Taubeneck, V.E.
Taylor, J.B.
Taylor, Margaret
Taylor, R.N.
Taylor, W.L.
Thompson, J.L.
Thompson, Mos
Thompson, W.H.
Thornsburg, Fred
Thornsburg, T.M.
Thorpe, R.L.
Tibbs, Nancy J.
Tibbs, S.O.
Tingley, Frank
Tobias, George
Trefz, Alfred
Tripplett, Ruth
Tumey, John
Turman, W.R.
Tyler, M.A.
Vaughn, W.A.
Veach, William
Walker, Owen
Walker, Silas
Wallace, L.A.
Wallace, W.A.
Wallis, Allen
Wallis, Ben
Wallis, Fred
Wallace, George
Walters, James
Walters, M.B.
Warriner, R.L.
Watkins, J.W.
Weir, L.J.
Weitzle, Mrs. George
Welsh, J.B.
West, Jap
Wetsnitzer, Henry
Whaley, Carroll
Wheeler, O.H.
Wheeler, O.T.
Whintley, Fred
White, Harrison
Whitlock, M.E.
Williams, C.E.
Williams, J.W.
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, D.W.
Wilson, H.J.
Wilson, Newton
Wilson, Warren
Wiser, Jeff
Wood, Frank
Wood, J. J.
Contributed to usgenweb by Ron Cornwell (recornwell4@charter.net)
and Cindy McCachern (mccachern@att.net). We have many Clark
County connections, please contact us for more information.
USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be
reproduced in
any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or
persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this
must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal
representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb
archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given
to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free
Below is the list of people assessed for personal
property taxes due in the year 1909.
Alexander, John
Alexander, E.R.
Arbuckle, Earl
Bartlett, Ethelbert
Bartlett, F.M.
Bartlett, Jefferson
Bartlett, Joseph
Bartlett, Roy
Bartlett, William
Bledsoe, Lewis
Brown, J.W.
Cline, William
Colvin, A.R.
Cork, A.L.
Craig, Alexander
Craig, Laura
Davidson, George L.
Davidson, S.E.
Gard, Alexander
Gard, Carroll
Marvin, Lewis
Mauk, Harry
Medsker, Dora
Ogle, R.A.
Paddock, O.G.
Pyle, George
Reece, Fred
Reece, L.M.
Scott, A.M.
Shotwell, Curtis
Jeffers, Ottis
Johnson, B.F.
Lindley, Alvis
Scott, Homer
Scott, James
Scott, James B.
Shotwell, O.C.
Spangler, G.L.
Spangler, G.W.
White, W.F.
Barkalow, Cornelius
Beamer, Melvin
Bowen, George
Bowen, Perry
Carpenter, G.T.
Chambers, Silas
Conner, William
Craig, F.M.
Craig, Jacob
Craig, Robert
Davis, Martha
Drummond, James
Ellington, William H.
Haddix, Alfred
Handley, William
Kelly, James
Hodges, C.C.
Jennings, A.O.
McNary, William
Medsker, Percy
Shaffner, William
Sneed, Samuel
Trader, Z.D.
Thompson, John
VanFleet, J.M.
Weir, Robert
White, Austin
White, H.H.
Williams, C.B.
Baker, Milo
Beckwith, Charles
Cooper, D.E.
Cornwell, Charles W.
Cornwell, Joseph
Cornwell, G.W.
Davis, Charles
Dodd, P.F.
Downey, Rev. George
Edwards, Oscar
English, J.C.
Graham, Bert
Graham, Charles
Hasten, F.G.
Hasten, P.C.
Hasten, William
Hedges, Frank
Hedges, Frank Jr.
Hedges, Joseph
Hix, Charles
Hix, Chester H.
Johnson, M.W.
Leonard, A.J.
Medsker, Edward
Medsker, Hershell
Medsker, William
Morris, William
Newlin, Mrs. Sarah
Padgett, J.E.
Shaffner, George
Shaffner, Leah
Smith, Frank
Smith, William
Snavely, Sarah E.
Spivey, Axiom
Stanfield, Frank
Stevens, Roy
Thompson, C.E.
Thompson, Clarence
Thompson, G.W.
Wells, J.D.
Wells, Joseph
Wells, Roy
Anderson, George
Baker, Emma
Baker, Eugene
Baker, Lena
Bartlett, Sarah
Brown, Daniel
Buckner, Ross
Buckner, W.W.
Cornwell, Orla
Cowden, Margaret
Crumrine, Mrs. V.
Crumrine, Percy
Crumrine, William
Grant, Ed
Hammond, Amanda
Handy, William
Howerton, C.J.
Howerton, J.V.
Heleine, David
Heleine, Jefferson
Johnson, B.F.
Maxwell, William
Meeker, Orlando
Ratts, A.J.
Robison, D.T.
Scott, Everett
Smith, Curtis
Smith, Joseph
Snavely, T.J.
Snyder, M.M.
Spangler, Oscar
Taylor, H.C.
Thompson, G.A.M.
Thompson, Israel
Thompson, Otho
Walker, Len
Weinz, Albert
Wernz, Joseph
Wilson, Mrs. H.M.
Wright, Charles V.
Wright, J.L.
Buckner, A.L.
Buckner, Elizabeth
Buckner, Ernest
Burnam, Lizzie
Burnam, William
Clements, D.H.
Clements, George
Clements, William S.
Cox, Merrick
Crow, Ben
Crow, Samuel
Crow, William
Deahl, Mary E.
Dolson, Minerva
Draper, Charles
Elliott, Nathan
Evans, Cyrus
Morton, James
Nidey, Chalk
Nidey, Ed
Nidey, John
Nidey, Matt
Nidey, T.V.
Simms, James E.
Stephens, Noah
Stuck, Jesse
Thompson, Fred
Thompson, Ford
Treadway, James
Wheeler, Charles
White, J.H.
Winters, Henry
Bartlett, George
Clements, T.M.
Cooper, Fred
Cooper, Homer
Cooper, S.D.
Cooper, Uriah
Dix, Hannah M.
Dix, J.A.
Dix, J.W.
Drake, James
Evans, Bruce D.
Evans, Clarence
Evans, H.G.
Evans, Harlan
Evans, Iradell
Evans, Melissa
Fowler, William
Green, Grant
Hoskinson, Henry
Medsker, Sarah
Ralston, Everett
Ralston, J.F.
Ralston, Prevo
Ralston, Thomas
Ralston, W.
Reynolds, C.W.
Spiva, F.M.
Ware, Fred
Wheeler, F.J.
Wheeler, Reason C.
Life, Chancy
Life, Oliver
Life, S.W.
Mehler, Herman
Canaday, Charles
Canaday, Noble
Cornwell, Ezra
Cornwell, Otto
Cornwell, Ray
Cornwell, Ross
Dart, Grant
Evans, J.M.
Francis, Albert
Francis, T.J.
Francis, W.S.
Goodwin, Bert
Goodwin, James H.
Goss, J.W.
Graham, James
Graham, Nathan
Graham, Oliver
Hoskinson, Isaac
Leasure, J.H.
Melton, Rebecca C.
Nave, Wiltie
Slocum, E.M.
Spraker, Jesse
Stanfield, Calvin
Stanfield, Fred
Stanfield, Otto
Wells, M.C.
Contributed to usgenweb by Ron Cornwell (recornwell4@charter.net)
and Cindy McCachern (mccachern@att.net). We have many Clark
County connections, please contact us for more information.
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Below is the list of people assessed for personal property taxes due
in the year 1909.
Baughman, W.D.
Bohn, Garfield
Brown, James
Clatfelter, J.E.
Craig, W.T.
Dillion, Jesse
Dulaney, Harry B.
Garlin, Charles
Garlin, Lauty
Grubb, Samuel
Haddix, Elias
Huddleson, Edward
Johnson, Peter
Marlowe, Harry
McBride, Joseph
Poorman, Marion
Prevo, Clarence
Prevo, Frank
Prevo, Samuel
Sweitzer, Everett
Walker, Ella
Webb, John
Wesnitzer, George
Alexander, P.M.
Bartlett, Allen
Bartlett, Giles
Briscoe, Mary
Clatfelter, W.H.
Collier, Marion
Cork, Clay
Cork, Elsie
Cork, Elsie J.
Good, G.L.
Good, J.W.
Good, R.V.
Haddix, Adam
Haddix, William
Horner, William
Johnson, Taylor
Lee, Charles
Lindley, Allen
Martin, H.O.
Marvin, Emily
Marvin, William
McCrory, Hugh
McCrory, W.H.
Mitchell, John
Mount, C.B.
Mundy, James
Ridgeway, Mrs. John
Rook, Margaret
Taylor, J.F.
Bartlett, Bert
Bennett, Henry
Brown, Hugh
Buckner, Sophia
Carter, John
Cline, George
Cline, Jeff
Cline, Herschel
Cornwell, John
Counterman, Henry
Counterman, James
Cummings, Charles
Dancey, Cyrus E.
Dancey, Samuel
Edwards, J.B.
Garwood, J.
Gown, Clarence
Haddix, Adams
Haddix, Samuel
Hartman, Albert
Hurst, L.R.
Kreager, Wash
Lowe, H.C.
Mattie, Catharine
Mattice, Isaac
Mattice, Samuel
McGill, Irvin
McHenry, Alvin
McHenry, Ira
Miller, Frank
Nitchman, G.B.
Prust, Daniel
Prust, Hattie
Prust, Liddie
Rynerson, B.A.
Scott, Leroy
Sellars, Porter W.
Serwise, William
Sharp, G.H.
Sheets, Sam
Shelby, James
Smith, Susan
Stuck, John
Sweitzer, William
Anderson, R.V.
Barnes, George
Bradburn, J.
Bradburn, P.
Brann, Joseph
Broadhurst, T.N.
Brooks, Sophronie
Bush, Fred
Canaday, Mattie
Carlyle, Claud
Carlyle, J.D.
Chadwick, V.A.
Chronic, Merriam
Claypool, Carrie B.
Cline, David L.
Cline, Roy A.
Coleman, Arthur
Colvin, Charles
Combs, Minerva
Craig, Edward
Craig, Harry
Craig, Sol
Crow, Nancy A.
Crow, Volhees
Crum, George w.
Crumrine, Fred
Crumrine, Harry
Dolson, Harry
Donham, R.L.
Dunnigan, Frank
Eaton, James R.
Edwards, Irvin
Ferguson, John
Ferris, Randolph
Fisher, J.H.
Floyd, Steele
Frakes, Mayme
France, David E.
France, Edward
Fuller, James H.
Fuller, William
Gard, Flora
Gard, Martha A.
Gideon, Charles
Goodwin, Gansom
Hamilton, Ewing
Handy, Lyman
Handy, Richard
Handy, W.A.
Harmon, John
Harmon, L.W.
Hightshoe, Frank
Hightshoe, Thomas
Howerton, Lydia
Hutchinson, Robert
Ingles, James
Ingles, Simon
Ingram, L.F.
Kaufman, Orestes
Kearns, Claude
Lacy, Perry
Leonard, S.
Lindley, Samuel
Lindley, W.G.
Lindley, William
Lloyd, T.
Martin, Howard
Marvin, Albert
Marvin, Cary
Marvin, William
McKiney, Charles
Medsker, Charles
Melvin, Emily
Milam, Ellen
Moore, Homer
Moore, William
Mount, Olney
Murphy, Amos
Murphy, Jesse
Nichols, Clarence
Nichols, Frank
Nichols, James
Nichols, John
Ollis, James
Osborn, Preston
Piatt, Carol
Piatt, James W.
Piety, W.H.
Plew, Perry
Poorman, B.F.
Poorman, Russell
Poorman, W.D.
Prevo, Charles
Prust, Harry
Richards, Roscoe
Riley, Was
Roberts, John
Robinson, Nettie
Schroyers, Martha
Shaw, Delia
Shawler, O.T.
Shoemaker, R.C.
Snyder, E.A.
Snyder, Nancy C.
Snyder, Walter
Stevens, Jesse
Stuart, W.H.
Termain, James K.
Tolbert, Louis
VanFleet, J.W.
Walker, Arthur
Webb, Joe
Weir, S.W.
Wells, Fred
Wells, Perry
Wharton, H.F.
Whitaker, Otto
Williams, Charles E.
Williams, E.D.
Williams, Merida
Williamson, Charles
Williamson, Field
Williamson, John
Williamson, William
Wright, Albert
Yargus, Charles
Yargus, Commodore
Yargus, George
Brann, Samuel
Broadhurst, Thomas M.
Cullison, Thomas
Cummins, E.M.
Dillion, Everett
Dillion, James
Dillion, Jasper
Gardner, Arch
Ingrath, Charles L.
Lewis, William
Lixis, Lewis A.
Lowe, Frank
Marlow, A.S.
Milam, Charles
Milam, Lafe
Milam, Lizzie
Milam, Henry
Mooneyham, L.D.
Nicholas, Louie
Poorman, Thomas
Rennard, E.D.
Rook, Kate
Smith, Harry
Stewart, James
Strohm, Charles
Walker, S.G.
Whitlock, Charles
Whitlock, G.W.
Armiston, W.F.
Birch, Paris
Bradbury, Dean
Bradbury, Mary
Buckner, Fred
Burnam, Otho
Canon, Hannah
Craig, Carol
Craig, Leroy
Crocker, Ben
Crow, James
Hamill, Charles
Harrison, Abe
Harrison, Robert
Harrison, William
Hull, D.W.
Ingram, John
Johnson, W.R.
Lindley, Hetty
McCrory, Bert
McCrory, J.M.
McCrory, Ross
McKinney, Ross
Mundy, J.S.
Prevo, James
Routh, Richard
Scott, Jacob
Taggart, J.J.
Adams, Edward
Baber, James
Barker, James
Bell, A.A.
Bishop, John
Blair, John
Bradbury, George
Chiddix, James
Clark, Henry
Clark, Lou
Clements, Jacob
Clements, Rush
Coryell, Arden
Coryell, M.A.
Culp, Martin
Curry, Amanda
Daugherty, George
Daugherty, Grant
Dudley, Frank
Dudley, James
Fester, J.E.
Foster, B.H.
Foster, Lydia
Fowler, John T.
Freeman, Steve
Gilbert, James
Jackson, A.C.
Jackson, Howard
Jackson, Mary A.
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, A.J.
Ketchum, Emily
Knight, Malcolm
Lacy, Evan
Lake, L.B.
Lake, Robert
Layton, Daniel
Layton, Edward
Mark, Commodore
Mattison, Albert
Miller, John
Mills, Enis
Murphy, Fannie
Murphy, Grace
Murphy, Mary L.
Murphy, W.A.
Myers, Mollie
Newman, M.R.
Nichols, James
Orcutt, Homer
Orcutt, John
Pratt, Theodore
Pinkston, Andy
Prevo, Lillie
Pritchard, George
Pritchard, R.H.
Pulleyblank, Fred
Reynolds, Aaron
Richards, T.W.
Riggs, John
Roberts, J.L.
Roberts, W.L.
Rook, Kate
Rook, Lavinie
Rowe, John
Sanders, L.W.
Sebastion, Call
Seigle, Ira
Seymour, Isaac
Thompson, W.J.
Weldon, James H.
Whitman, Cliff
Alexander, Elizabeth
Carlyle, S.I.
Chronic, J.C.
Cline, George
Crumrin, Edward
Hammond, L.W.
Handy, Richard
Hull, D.W.
Ingle, Simon
Ingles, James
Martin, Howard
Marvin, Albert
Miller, Belle
Nichols, C.
Steele, Floyd
Wharton, H.F.
Houston, Nettie