Public notice is hereby given, that I, Burns Archer,
County Collector of Clark County in the State aforesaid shall apply
to the County Court of said Clark County, at the June Term, 1876,
thereof, for judgment against the land and lots mentioned in the
following list of delinquent lands and lots, for the taxes, special
assessments, interest and cost due severally thereon; and for an
order to sell lands and lots for the satisfaction
thereof. The amount of taxes opposite each piece or
parcel of land and town lot, being the total amount of taxes due on
the same, for the year 1875 and including the unpaid taxes for the
years 1873 and 1874 with 10 percent and costs added.
Arbuckle, W.F.
Barlow, H.M.
Barnett, Joal
Bartlett, J. (Heirs)
Beimer, E.
Belknap, W.R.
Biggs, Isaiah
Bishop, Sam
Braden, John
Carver, J.
Chickadaunce, N.
Clark, William
Cline, Jonas
Cole, T.W.
Collier, W.M.
Davis, M.
Davis, Samuel
Dempster, A.J.
Doll, S.
Dolson, S.
Druman, W.H.
Dulaney, R.L.
Dunn, J.B.
Fogleson, C.
Gallatin, Jacob
Gallatin, Levi
Gibson, G.R.
Golden, N.
Gray, Benjamin
Griffith, A.
Griffith, H.
Griffith, William
Haggard, William
Hahn, Jacob
Hall, B.F.
Handy, Thomas
Harlan, E.
Harlan, H.
Hart, John (Estate)
Henbest, A.
Hodges, Thomas
Horner, J.G.
Horner, Sarah
Hoskins, William
Johns, T.H.
Kaufman, P.
Kernan, P.
Kildow, A.
Kittle, H.J.
Kittle, M.
Krapp, C.
Legore, D.
Manchlor, W.
Martin, Jacob
Marvin, H.L.
Marvin, J.H.
Marvin, John
Massey, A.
Mapes, James
McGrew, J.J.
Means, W.C.
Melburne, H.
Mize, J.F.
Morris, J.
Myers, E.
Napier, A.
Nitchman, J.P.
Norton, S.E.
Penrod, I.
Rose, Casper
Sanders, J.
Sanders, Joseph
Sanders, M.
Sanford, E.
Sellars, P.
Shade, J.
Sheapley, James B.
Shotts, G.A.
Slusser, Samuel
Smith, D.
Snyder, William
Spencer, William (Estate)
Stateler, S.B.
Statler, M.
Stewart, Jacob
Sweet, William
Swindler, J.C.
Tapscott, H.
Tapscott, J.
Tapscott, William
Tingley, J.H.
Victor, Elijah
Wallace, James
Watson, Jacob
White, S.
Wilber, Mary
Wishard, J.
Manly, Uri
McElrath, Robert
Meskimons, Eli
Morris, William
Rinning, Alex
Terrell, Josiah
Clement, C.
Cork, Harrison T.
Crail, Mary
Davis, Haywood
Fahlbush, H.C.
Lowry, William
Rhorer, S.H.
Simphinson, A.
Simphinson, J.
Starks, A.C.
Wright, R.
Johnson, Abel
Kidwell, A.
Kidwell, E.
Meskimons, Eli
Rariden, Ed L.
Stockwell, John
Auld, Isaac
Baird, G.P.
Balsley, J.W.
Balsley, T.H.
Bancroft, E.
Baughman, D.
Bell, S.S.
Blackburn, J.
Blackburn, J.H. (Estate)
Bloomer, Amelia
Bowles, W.
Brenner, Mary
Brenner, S.M.
Bridgeman, W.
Callahan, C.
Campbell, W.E.
Chastain, D.
Chism, W. (Estate)
Coale, John
Cook, Hannah
Cook, J.W.
Cook, M.T.
David, M.
Depew, R.
Donner, O.
Dougherty, O.B.F.
Duell, S.
Durnell, S.
Eldridge, R.P.
Emerick, Taylor
Fancher, D.
Ferguson, J.A.
Ferguson, R.A.
Flenner, M.
Funk, Adams
Funk, J.
Funk, N.
Garrison, J.
Gilbert, S.W.
Given, H.C.
Graham, D.T.
Greenwell, John
Hammerick, S.
Hardway, A.
Hardway, W.
Harmeson, M.
Harrison, M.
Heire, James (Estate)
Hetherington, N.
Huntington, J.
James, A.H.
Jarvis, A.H.
Kelley, D.
Laingor, E.
Laingor, W.
Lamb, Martha
Lane, Ben
Lang, J.
Lang, J.J.
Landis, Elizabeth
Larue, D.
Larue, W.
Lee, J.P.
Lemons, J.
Lennington, A.
Lowe, David
Lyon, Helen
McCrory, James
McDaniel, Simeon
McDaniel, T.J.
McGahan, T.A.
McNary, Mary L.
Mead, Eli
Millard, C.S.
Miller, A.
Miller, John
Millikin, J.H.
Morgan, J.
Mumford, James
Mumford, Levi
Mumford, T.
Parker, J.L.
Peters, W.S.
Poe, W.M.
Porter, Fred
Ramsey, Robert
Ratcliffe, M.
Ray, Joel
Reed, M.F. (Estate)
Reeve, R.
Ripple, J.
Roberts, S.
Robinson, H.
Rooks, Amanda
Rowley, J.
Ryan, J.
Sanford, M.
Sanford, Wash
Scott, R.R.
Short, J.
Sjort, Jeff
Smith, A.
Smith, Ed (Heirs)
Smith, M.
Smith, W.B.
Smith, W.J.
Spraker, George
Stanford, J.E.
Stark, J.M.
Stultz, D.
Stultz, W.
Tharp, A.J.
Trott, J.
Wagner, H.
Whitman, J.
Wiley, F.M.
Wood, W.
Wood, W.H. H.
York, M.
Auer, John
Anderson, L.B.
Baker, Charles
Besser, William T.
Brantlinger, George
Clark, Aleck
Clatfelter, Joseph
Cole, T.W.
Collier, John L.
Davidson, D. Sr.
Davidson, Dan
Davidson, G.F.
Davidson, J.
Dixon, Burns
Dixon, H.
Dolson, Sarah (Estate)
Dougherty, Sam
Fears, C.
Fears, Phineas
Gibson, James A.
Green, E.
Gunn, Otis
Haddix, D. (Heirs)
Haddix, John
Haddix, Sam
Hall, A.M.
Hall, C.S.
Hall, E.D. (Heirs)
Hall, Indiana
Hall, W.F. (Heirs)
Harlan, E.D.
Hartsler, Nany J.
Hewitt, Levi
Howland, E.J.
Hughes, N.
Hungerford, C.
Hungerford, John
Johnson, William
Kildow, G.W.
Lamden, John
Lathrop, A.
Lawell, O.C. Jr.
Lawell, William
Lerack, Jacob
Linton, H. (Estate)
Malone, H. (Estate)
Manly, Uri (Estate)
Martin, J.F.
Martin, W.W.
Marvin, H.L.
Marvin, John
McGill, Sarah
McMann, Charlotte
Medsker, Fred
Mundorff, Jacob
Myles, R.C.
Noakes, Eliza A.
Overton, Aleck
Page, Henry
Pulse, George W.
Reasnor, Fred
Roush, D.S.
Ruhl, Ernest
Sackrider, A.
Schiner, George
Schwertzer, Nancy
Shaw, Albert
Shorter, James B.
Shumaker, A.
Smith, Charles
Stephen, J. (Heirs)
Stich, Joseph
Switzer, Elizabeth
Taubenack, Charles
Taubenack, Otto
Walls, J.E.
Walls, N.
Waters, Nicholas
Caffrey, M.
Eldridge, Isaac
Ferguson, R.A.
Fitzsimmons, John
Lang, Conrad (Estate)
Lawless, M.
Leitch, Abner
Lutz, Joseph
Manley, Uri
Mayberry, H.
McDaniel, Jacob
Merion, N.
Meyer, J.W.
Reynolds, Walter
Schwartz, Jacob
Smith, W.B.
Smith William
Snedeker, Peter
Sutherland, R.B.
Thompson, Z.L.
Warren, Wayman
Watson, K.Z.
Willson, A.J.
Wilson, A.J.
Woods, John C. (Estate)
Anderson, S.
Anderson, W.H.
Barlow, J.W.
Bullock, C.W.
Burnap, L.S.
Cartwright, J.
Cook, Solomon
Crouch, M.D.
Davis, John
Dickey, John
Fitzgerrald, G.F.
Fitzgerrald, G.R.
Fitzgerrald, G.T.
Fitzgerrald, H.H.
Fitzgerrald, H.S.
Fitzgerrald, J.F.
Fitzgerrald, J.L.
Fitzgerrald, J.N.
Fitzgerrald, L.
Fitzgerrald, M.
Fitzgerrald, M.J.
Fowler, John
Gambell, Alex
Gardner. M.
Grant, B.F.
Hainley, S.
Halt, B.W.
Hammond, F.A.
Hammond, G.W.
Hurst, H.M.
Hurst, M.J.
Hyde, E.
Johnson, A.
Keith, A.E.
Lewis, R.
Ripple, E.
Ritter, John
Smith, W.B.
Stansultz, J.
Taylor, G.W.
Taylor, J.
Williamson, E.
Yowell, John
Zeigler, C.
Adamson, E.
Barber, E.N.
Bennett, T.
Bennett, W.H.
Blankenbaker, E.
Bowles, W.
Brant, Sarah
Brewer, J.
Brooks, James
Brown, Dillon
Burket, A.
Bush, Julia A.
Bush, Noah
Bush, Sarah
Cheeseman, J.
Conrad, D.
Coon, Mathew
Crouch, W.
Crouch, W.D.
Dailey, Jane
Davis, W. (Estate)
Durham, L. (Heirs)
Fawley, R.
Finney, George
Finney, S.
Floyd, G.H.
Forrester, L.
Fouty, John
Gard, R.L.
Gilbert, S.W.
Griffith, W.E.
Griffith, W.R.
Gross, Jon
Handy, Chester
Hardway, A.
Harlan, H. (Estate)
Hesler, Rhoda
Hess, W.
Howe, J.A.
Huntington, J.
Janney, W.
Jeffs, Jacob
Jenning, J. (Heirs)
Johnson, J.W.
Janes, Isaac
Jones, Mary
Kline, Addison
Kline, David
Lane, Aaron
Lawier, J.
Lewis, D.
McConnell, R.
Mount, J. (Heirs)
Mullen, S.
Mumford, Levi
Neidigh, D.
Neighbarger, J.D.
Noakes, T.
Oakes, A.A.
Oakes, F.B.
Oyler, S.P.
Partlow, B.
Partlow, J.H.
Partlow, John
Quinn, O.W.
Quinn, A.W.
Poorman, J.
Ray, Burgess
Reed, Isaac
Reed, M.F. (Estate)
Richardson, R.R.
Rockwell, C.
Rockwell, T.
Sanford, J.
Scott, R.R.
Sedgwick, G.
Sedgwick, J.
Sewell, J.
Sharp, D.
Short, T.
Simpson, D.
Slusser, J.
Stateler, J.M.
Statler, James
Stephens, J.
Swim, S.S.
Terrel, James
Trull, Sol (Estate)
Weak, M.
Wilmer, S.
Witner, S.
Wortman, T.
Wyley, G.H.
Ankrums, I.
Atkins, Joseph
Auld, Martha
Bailey, J.
Bancroft, W.W.
Busby, G.W.
Busby, M.
Cook, Daniel
Cook, Hannah
Cunningham, W.
Davidson, John
Deal, Samuel (Estate)
Dougherty, B.
Douglas, P.P.
Duncan, C.
Duncan, G.
Emily, James
Foster, Ira
Gallatin, A.B.B.
Gallatin, H.
Gallatin, William
Gibson, G.R.
Harris, William
Hickman, J.F.
Hinkle, J.M.
Hoskins, William
Jenkins, Cornelias
Kellar, J.S.
Kendall, R.D.
Kirts, Joseph
Knight, John L.
Knight, Thomas
Laingor, Levi
Lamb, G.W.
Legore, Dan
Lowe, W.
Macy, Sam
McFarland, D.
McGinnis, O.S.
McNurlin, John
Montgomery, R.
Morgan, J.
Napier, Charity
Newman, James L.
Nichols, James D.
Numan, Henry
Patchett, Hiram
Price, G.
Price, I.L.
Rubottom, Mahala
Rose, Ira B.
Stark, Sam
Stewart, N.
Spitler, F.
Spitler, G.
Spenny, William
Sweet, Austin
Sweet, Nathaniel
Swindler, S.P. (Estate)
Swisher, J.W.
Tingley, Levi
Tingley, W.C.
Watson, John T.
Webb, Isaac E.
Andrew, D. (Estate)
Archer, E.M.
Archer, J.R.
Behner, Phillip
Benner, Phillip
Besser, W.T.
Blackbus, L.
Bloom, Hiram
Bradley, L.M.
Braynard, A.W. (Estate)
Bright, J.
Bright, Mary
Burkey, John
Bussard, S.
Churchill, W.H.
Clatfelter, Levi
Cole, Enos L.
Craig, C.C.
Croll, Henry
Dolson, Jacob
Dugan, W. (Estate)
Everhart, M.
Fahlbush, H.C.
German, J.
Gill, Minerva
Greek, Sylvester
Hardy, J.O.
Hickman, J.F.
Hoenig, Harman
Huston, Henry
Huston, Jacob
Huston, Robert
James, John
Johnson, Abel
Johnson, W.R.
Jones, John
Keence, Joshua
Keith, A.E.
King, A.E.
King, J.B.
King, Priscilla
King, William (Estate)
Leslie, W.B. (Estate)
Lightenberger, C.
Madison, A.
Madison, R (Estate)
Mark, F.
Markle, George
Mathews, Alex
Mathews, Levi
McCullough, J.
McNary, S.C.
Miller, Joseph
Milligan, D.
Mitchell, Robert
Mitler, D.H.
Moore, Levi
O’Brian, A.
O’Garra, John
Payne, F.R. (Estate)
Perdue, S.A.
Plummer, G.D.
Ramsey, Henry
Richardson, J.B.
Rood, Martha
Shaw, Ben
Shaw, Mary (Estate)
Shaw, S. (Estate)
Sloan, Noah
Smith, Ben
Smith, J.C.
Smith, Sol
Smith, William
Starkey, M.E.
Tally, Jesse
Thompson, W.C.
Thompson, W.F.
Tierney, James
Tingley, George
Umbarger, L.
Umbarger, M.
Washburn, W.
Whitehead, S.S.
Wiseman, J.
Acker, H.
Bartlett, J.
Bartlett, James
Bartlett, L.
Bennett, T.F.
Biggs, Samuel
Bradbury, P.
Bradbury, Peter
Brooks, James
Brown, William (Heirs)
Collier, John L.
Coombs, Asa
Cooper, T.F.
Denglar, B.F.
Dougherty, Samuel
Farris, W. (Heirs)
Handy, Chester
Harrison, Henry
Harrison, R. (Heirs)
Harrison, Robert
Holiday, Adella
Howerton, Nancy
James, Dana
Johnson, Loc
Kelm, Eliza
Leckie, R.W.
Lindley, J.H.
Lindley, J.W.
Lindley, S.H.
Lloyd, J.S.
Mark, D. (Estate)
Martin, William
Maring, Caroline
Marvin, H.L.
Marvin, S.
Marvin, Sam
McClure, L.D.
Meeker, D.M.
Morgan, Edwin
Morris, James E.
Nicholson, D.C.
Osborn, H.J.
Osborn, J.
Reed, Darius T.
Shaffner, J.R.
Sheaply, James B.
Slocum, E.D.
Smith, J.B.
Smith, John
Spraker, Jonas
Thompson, J.
Ward, R.J.
White, W.C. (Heirs)
Willard, C. (Estate)
Williams, Joseph
Willard, Thomas
Atkins, J.
Bailey, R.
Barlow, Milton
Bennett, M.
Blankenbaker, E.C.
Canaday, H.
Caradall, S.
Chambers, D.S.
Chapman, George C.
Chapman, I.A.
Chapman, R.A.
Ellington, D.
Ellington, J.P.
Elliott, Ellen
Elliot, I.
Elliot, J.W.
Fessenbeck, J.
Fitch, F.
Grimes, A.
Hardway, A.
Hardway, F.M.
Hardway, Theodore
Hardway, William
Harrison, W.H.
Harrison, William H.
Hill, J.
Hurlburt, William
Imes, R.
Johnson, Cornelius
Keith, Abigail
Kellar, George
King, Sarah E.
Lindley, T.
Manly, U.
Maring, Catharine
Maring, Caroline
Martin, A.E.
Maxwell, J.H.
McCarty, Lewis
McCourt, M.
McDaniel, C.
McNurlin, William
Millis, I.
Mills, William E.
Noakes, A.
Partlow, William
Poe, A.M.
Rowe, E.
Thompson, F.
Wickline, Sam
PARKER TWP (T-11 N , R-14 W)
Bean, Isaac
Beauchamp, William
Bell, I.
Bell, James
Briscoe, W.T.
Connelly, George S.
Connelly, T.H.
Davis, Nancy
Delong, J.M.
Dement, J.
Detro, George
Detro, Lizzie
Dill, G.
Garrison, A.C.
Garver, A.C.
Garver, Andrew
Goble, G.B.
Goble, Joseph
Greenwell, J.W.
Grover, W.C.
Inman, Enoch
Lee, Levi
Lee, Levi Jr.
Linn, Levi
Lowery, Robert
Manley, Uri
McNary, C.
McNary, E.
Parker, F.R.
Parker, Lucy A.
Phillips, B.
Rodebaugh, J.
Shuey, W.R.
Smith, J.B.
Smith, J.R.
Smith, S.E.
Smith, Samuel
Smott, James
Stultz, Nancy
Swickard, D.
Terrill, Nancy
Truax, William (Estate)
Woods, George
Young, T.R.
Beal, M.G.
Beal, Mark
Black, W.
Blankenship, W.
Bogard, J.
Casteel, Nathaniel
Collins, William
Cooper, E.M.
Cooper, Willis
Dempster, J.P.
Dunlap, R.R.
Elliott, S.
Engle, Peter
Hammond, L.
Hamilton, Patrick
Lewis, J.C.
Lewis, J.E.
Livick, Andy
Livick, D.L.
Livick, John
Lowe, James
Mallen, M.D.
McCloud, W.H.H.
McGill, Joseph
Orndorff, T.L.
Page, H.W.
Perry, A.
Preston, Nathan
Roads, James
Scott, Robert
Smith, A.G.
Smith, Asa
Tuell, W.B.
Walker, J.W.
Wilkinship, Reuben
Williams, E.D.
Armstrong, D.
Auld, George
Baggs, H.
Banner, F.
Barber, E.N.
Bartram, Henry
Baummesberger, G.
Birch, J.J.C.
Blundel, George
Bogard, John
Campbell, James
Campbell, W.L.
Casteel, John
Catron, C.A.
Chisler, J.M.
Cole, T.W.
Coons, Jacob
Cooper, E.N.
Crumrine, Martin
Davidson, D.
Detrick, John
Doll, Levi
English, John
Fishback, Jacob
Fitch, C.
Finkbiner, C.
Gallagher, James
Garmong, Jonas
George, John T.
Griffith, John
Griffith, W.H.
Henbest, Edward
Hickman, L.W.
Hogue, Olive
Jennings, F.H.
Kessler, Andrew
Kirby, S.
Laingor, G.W.
Lee, Peter
Leggett, T.S.
Legore, D.
Lewis, J.E.
Little, B.F.
Livick, Andrew
Livick, David
Livick, William
Macke, I.H.
Madison, E.C.
Manley, U. (Estate)
McCabe, William
McChisler, John
McGuire, William
McGill, Joseph
McGregor, Aleck
McGuire, William
Nichols, J.E.
Nightlinger, Orrick
Orndorff, T.L.
Park, Samuel
Partridge, Thomas
Patton, J.A.
Payton, Jonathan
Payton, Thomas
Randall, William
Rhoads, Isaac
Sears, L.
Shaffer, Paul
Smith, R.M.
Spotts, John C.
Stephenson, O.G.
Stephens, W.G.
Stover, Ben
Thompson, Henry
Walker, J.W.
Wallis, Henry
Washburne, A.
Waters, Nichols
Waters, Thomas
Whitaker, W.S.
Whitson, Thomas
Whitson, W.W.
Williams, Edward
Wilson, Joseph
Wyrick, James
Young, S.
Creasey, J.M.
Greenlee, Robert
Goldsby, B.M.
Gordon, John
Joy, W.
Lackey, William
Lee, Isaac
Linford, J.
Montgomery, M.
Patten, D.H.
Pearson, John
Ramsey, D.
Ramsey, John
Ray, John
Ray, W.
Robinson, James
Rollins, John
Shackelton, William
Waldron, G.
Williams, L.
Billman, Martin
Black, J.
Black, William (Heirs)
Bloom, Hiram
Butler, Thomas
Campbell, A.V.
Cockraft, James
Daily, D.
Deboit, W.P.
Dilliplane, G.W.
Dow, A.G.
Edmondson, M.A.
Emory, Horace
Flowers, Lewis
Forbes, Hugh
Goldsby, Wesley
Handy, G.
Harmon, W.
Hood, I.W.
Howard, Mary
Jones, C.M.
Jones, Charles
Kerney, N.
Kessler, John
Kimmell, W.S.
Landis, C.
Landis, James R.
Larrison, William
Leach, D.W.
Leach, I.
Malcolm, James
Manley, U. (Estate)
McNulty, John R.
Montgomery, Albert
Montgomery, George
Nicholis, Margaret
Pickett, C.M.
Ramsey, Thomas
Rinehart, J.
Rollings, Amelia
Rollins, John H.
Ross, A.M.
Shackleton, William
Smith, Lucinda
Snedeker, Josiah
Walden, James
Waller, I.C.
Welsh, L.A.
Williams, G.W.
Yergain, P.
Anderson, R.
Barker, E.D.
Biggs, Charles
Biggs, Mary
Bolton, Isaac
Bridgeman, G.M.
Briscoe, J.B.
Brown, John (Estate)
Buchanan, N.S.
Cartwright, J.
Clark, E.
Collins, Alex
Comstock, J.
Coons, W.B.
Cornwell, John W.
Dilse, H.A.
Hayworth, Thomas
Hite, J.T.
Joseph, Mary
Kimlin, James
Kirkham, W.
Lee, A.
Lee, Levi
Lyon, S.
Pennell, L.T.
Perkins, J.
Shuey, John P.
Snyder, A.
Starks, S. Eli
Tichenor, Charles L.
Tichenor, D.A.
Tichenor, Mary A.
Tichenor, S.A.
Tyler, Nelson
Vanscoyke, D.S.
Watson, Levi
Wilcox, W.H.H.
Wood, C.
Zarin, George
YORK TWP (T-8N, R-11W)
Bradberry, J.
Dolson, Jacob
Hodge, W.B.
Lawson, James
YORK TWP (T-9N, R-11W)
Barber, Ira
Besser, Hulda
Besser, William
Bloxsom, E.
Bosabaum, A.B.
Bradberry, P.
Brooks, A.
Brown, J.M.
Burks, Mary
Chenoweth, L.R.
Chronic, J.C.
Coombs, James
Corey, Elsie
Corey, William
Dixon, Jack
Dolson, S.
Dougherty, S. (Estate)
Dulaney, R.L.
Fears, S.
Gard, D.W.
Goby, E.
Greenlee, O. (Estate)
Haddix, S.
Harlan, E.D.
Harris, Lizzie
Harris, Sam F.
Harris, Sarah
Harrison, A.
Harrison, H.B.
Harrison, J.
Harrison, R.
Hodge, W.B.
Howerton, G.
Howerton, H.
Jackson, C.
Kline, P.
Kline, Porter
Lacy, J.H.
Lacy, S.
Lacy, Samuel
Lindley, S.W.
Martin, B.
Martin, D.O.
Martin, William
Marvin, John
Marvin, W.
Maxwell, N.L.
Maxwell, Nancy
Maxwell, M.G.
Morris, J.E.
McGriff, Howard
McGriff, William
Milam, A.
Mount, James
Napper, James
Nichols, Clarence
Nicholson, Mary
Orcutt, A.D.
Parker, Calvin
Patterson, R.S.
Pease, Lewis
Poorman, B.F.
Poorman, Charles
Prevo, Ira
Prevo, R.
Rarriden, J.A.
Richardson, J.B.
Road, R.
Rook, R.
Rook, C.B.
Sells, G.S.
Shaw, Mary W.
Shawler, Joshua
Shawler, O.
Shawler, Omer
Smith, James
Spencer, Thomas
Thomas, B.F.
Thomas, B.M.
Tower, D.B.
Tower, J.W.
Tower, M.M. (estate)
Trimmer, M.
Trull, Margaret
Walker, Silas
Welsh, J.H.
Welsh, W. (Estate)
Wetheral, S.
Wetheral, V.
Willard, Mat
Baker, Thomas
Carson, Appollos
Groover, Jacob
Gundy, Daniel
Johnson, W.R.
Langford, Henry
Morris, R.
Phillips, Sarah J.
Stark, D.
Wallace, Joseph
Williams, Alzora
Williams, J.E.
Williams, Samuel
Baughman, D.
Boyd, H.A.
Cook, Elisha
Cook, J.W.
Grant, A.B.
Griffin, A.C.
Griffin, E.F.
Lobdill, D.D.
Miller, John
Millikin, J.H.
Ripple, Jacob
Sanford, Morrill
Strouel, J.
Thom, John
Twilley, Robert
Weisner, W.H.
Williams, R.F.
Wozeneraft, W.A.
Balsley, F.
Bowles, W.
Boyd, H.A.
Burgan, L.B.
Burgan, L.C.
Carr, C.
Cook, Eli
Cook, S.B.
Dulaney, R.L.
Emrick, J.N.
Foster, N.G.
Haughn, G.K.
Kille, S.
Millikin, James H.
Myton, J.A.
Partlow, N.
Peters, W.S.
Scott, R.R.
Ward, C.C
Adams, B.L.
Bennett, S.
Chenoweth, M.R.
Depew, L.
Ferguson, S.J.
Garrison, J.
Martin, D.O.
McCoy, C.C.
Quinn, W.M.
Sanford, M.
Sanford, Wash
Short, H.
Smith, W.M.
Weaver, J.
Burnap, L.S.
Lane, R.H.
Larue, J.
Rawling, James
Rodebaugh, D.R.
Weaver, J.
Balsley, J.W.
Cook, M.L.
Lobdill, D.B.
Peters, W.L.
Sanford, Wash
Scott, Rebecca
Shinkle, F.L.
Stambaugh, D.W.
Tharp, A.J.
Twilley, R.
Weldon, P.
Fitzsimmons, John
Kidwell, E.
Knight, Rebecca
Leisure, Edward
Wilson, A.J.
Chancellor, Eliza (Estate)
Cook, J.W.
Dougherty, John
Fancher, D.
Fisher, William
Geddes, Robert
Laingor, J.
Leffler, E.R.
Mead, Eli
Nettleton, J.
Smock, A.S.
Strimple, Zebuda
Toner, A.C.
Williams, R.F.
Ryan, J.A.
Winterroad, Eliza B.
Booth, E.W.
Higgins, Albert
James, D.M.
Nichols, J.D.
Weir, James W.
Benedict, William
Blackburn, Joseph
Bloom, Hiram
Booth, Lyman
Brenneman, John
Forbeck, John
Frey, Caldwell
Gaston, S.M.
Harman, Mark
Newell, John A.
Rollings, M.P.
Rosebaum, William
Stanley, Jacob
Voyce, Dcy
Booth, Lyman
Goodman, Darins
Newell, John A.
Palmer, Gibson
Robinson, William
Slaughter, Henry
Blackman, J.
Brown, Isaac
Casteel, S.
English, B.W.
Haslett, H.W.
McCloud, H.D.
McCloud, W.H.
Wilson, O.L.D.
Yonts, Peter
Barry, C.H.
Belknapp, R.W.
Buell, H.P.
Casteel, Wesley
Clark, H.M.
Dancy, W.
Drum, Benjamin
Ethington, J.
Gallatin, N.
Glazener, Smith
Gore, G.W.
Hukill, John T.
Leach, Jacob
McFarlan, Wilson
Peck, Calvin
Pope, Josiah
Anderson, Byron
Andrew, D. (Estate)
Atwood, Elizabeth
Balsley, H.C.
Bartlett, Archer
Bradshaw, Lewis (Estate)
Bross, J.M.
Carey, George
Carey, Thomas (Estate)
Chickadance, C.
Clatfelter, Susan
Dempster, Susan V.
Denzel, Henry G.
Dolan, John
Duncan, Jane
Eaton, William C.
Enders, Peter
Gallagher, James
Griffith, W.H.
Haenig, Harmon
Harlan, Cyrus
Harlan, E.D.
Harlan, Howard
Harland, Howard Jr.
Harlan, W.A.
Harness, A.P.
Husted, John
Laingor, George W.
Lawrence, Sarah A.
Legore, Daniel
Leslie, W.B. (Estate)
Lesure, F.E.
Madison, E.C.
Madison, James
Mark, F.
Martin, D.O.
McDaniel, S.J.
Mead, Mary C.
Miller, Daniel
Montgomery, Elizabeth
Payne, F.R. (Estate)
Prewett, R.C.
Prindeville, Ellen
Ream, George (Estate)
Reynolds, Hugh
Rho, Jacob
Taylor, Robert (Estate)
Thompson, George
Thompson, Z.L.
Archer, E.M.
Archer, J.R.
Bradshaw, W.H.
Brainard, W.W.
Carey, Thomas (Estate)
Cole, T.W.
Cole, Thomas Sr.
Cole, Thomas W.
Comeston, William
Denzer, H.G.
Dougan, William (Estate)
Emerson, Ed
Forbes, William R. (Estate)
Franklin, M.
German, Uri
Griffin, James
Hare, M.D.
Harlan, E.D.
Harlan, W.A.
Harris, Marv E.
Harris, Sarah E.
Hayworth, America
Houston, Catherine
Houston, George
Huston, David
Hutchison, John N.
Janney, E.S.
Janney, T.H.
Johnson, B.R.
Knowlton, Mrs.
L’Hote, E.D.
Linn, Daniel
Lowe, Mary
Mack, George W.
Manley, M.J.
Martin, D.O.
McMannis, Benjamin
Osborne, James M.
Park, Henry C.
Prewett, R.C.
Ryan, John L.
Shaw, Benjamin
Smith, Ann S.
Spotts, C.W.
Stark, Calvin
Sullivan, D.W.
Whitehead, S.S.
Wilson, William D.
Beauchamp, Mary
Chenoweth, N.A.
Griffith, W.H.
Huston, George
Huston, Jacob
Birch, J.J.C.
Clatfelter, Z.
Conkrite, C.H.
Coons, William H.
Cunningham, Mildred
Dolson, Samuel
German, J.
Huston, David
Janney, E.S.
Laingor, George W.
Lockhart, J.W.
Maney, J.
Martin, Benson
Martin, J.F.
Montgomery, Joseph
Moore, Levi
Patten, J.R.
Payne, F.R.
Peak, Sarah E.
Pearce, Peter C.
Peck, Cal
Pine, Miranda
Puffenbarger, J.
Riley, John (Estate)
Snyder, John
Thompson, C.L.
Chenoweth, M.
Kohl, Lewis
Metz, Jacob
Selvine, I.
Selvine, J.
Bradley, H.L.
Bradley, L.M.
Manley, M.E.
Manley, M.F.
Manley, Mary E.
Taylor, Robert (Estate)
Payne, F.R. (Estate)
Smith, William B.
Spotts, John C.
Welsh, Samuel
Wilson, O.L.D.
Cook, D.
Coons, John
Cunningham, W.H.
Douglas, P.P.
Duncan, C.
Duncan, G.
Duncan, George
Geihart, T.
Harris, S.F.
Junkins, C.
Knapp, C.F.
Lindsay, W.
Moore, E.B.
Morgan, J.
Cooper, G.W.
Duncan, Charles
Shedrick, James
Snavely, L.C.
Comstock, Jesse
Moore, E.B.
Moore, E.B.
Morgan, J.
Duncan, C.
Duncan, G.
Dougherty, H.
Harris, W.H.
Macy, J.W.
Porter, S.L.
Gallatin, A.
Kent, Joseph
Kent, M.P.
Handy, Thomas (Heirs)
McClure, L.D.
Ward, R.L.
Miller, John
Wood, Chester
Wood, J.R.
Wood, William
Atkins, Sarah
Barlow, James M.
Briscoe, R.S.
Coons, George
Coons, M.A.
Dorman, H.A.
Dougherty, P.
Evinger, David
Hayworth, T.
Hollingsworth, Jacob
Keith, M.P.
Kirkwood, H.
Lewis, Sylvester
Miller, J.W.
Parcell, Albert
Parcell, J.H.
Price, Mary A.
Redman, V.
Sandy, James
Shuey, J.R.
Thompson, F.
Walker, James
Aucker, H.
Aucker, W.W.
Ayers, W.H.
Baker, C.
Ball, E.V.
Barker, Gabe
Berry, G.W. (Heirs)
Clark, George
Clark, N.
Coryell, H.
Derkson, Florence
Dolson, Jacob
Dougherty, Samuel
Foster, James
Foster, L.D.
Foster, Leroy
Hamilton, T.J.
Hodge, W.B.
Jackson, E.A.
Jones, Andrew
McCullough, M.F.
McGath, J.M.
Miller, J.R.
Overhalser, Joseph
Parker, Calvin
Patterson, J.
Richardson, John B.
Richardson, John B.
Riggs, J.
Rook, H.
Rosebamm, A.
Stead, John J.S.
Stever, A.J.
Stiles, W.P.
Ward, F.M.
Waters, S.
Whiteman, Lewis
Williams, E.D.
Chronic, J.C.
Hodge, W.B.
Pease, Lewis
Rook, J.S.