Red Cross Campaign Week May 20-27
From Clark County (IL) Democrat, 22 May 1918
Submitted by;
Cindy McCachern

During the week above mentioned the American Red Cross will conduct
its campaign to raise a fund of One Hundred Million Dolars
($100,000,000.00) for the purpose of carrying on its activities among
the soldiers in this country and abroad and in giving civilian
service as well.
It should be unnecessary to remind you that the Red Cross organized
under Federal authority is the most important agency for relief in
war conditions in this country and abroad.  Its manifold activities
all have a direct bearing on the welfare of our men in the Army and
Navy and families and on our Allies.

The State Council of Defence urges every member of every committee to
assist in this campaign to the extent of their ability.
Anderson, Darwin, Douglas, Marshall, Melrose, Wabash and York
townships are working under the direction of the Marshall Chapter.
Headquarters are in the States Attorney's office and in case you want
any information or suggestions, they will be gladly and promptly
These townships will be worked by school districts.  Committees have
been appointed in each school district that will have in charge the
raising of your school district's quota of the second Red Cross War
The amount given each district to raise was set after careful
consideration of the conditions governing.  Every effort was made to
have all quotas as near equal as possible after all points were
You can readily see who your committe consists of and every resident
in your district should do all they can to make this work a complete
success.  The responsibility for this work is yours individually so
far as results are concerned.
Subscriptions will be solicited by the Committee after plans have
been formulated by which the money can be raised.  You are expected
to give cheerful support to the plan in your district.  In case you
cannot pay cash with your subscription, you may pay one forth of the
amount monthly for four months.
This paper will next week publish the list of the districts and the
results in each.  You will want your district to show your quota
raised in full of course.  None should be too busy to help, and
everyone in the district should make it a matter of deep concern to
see that your full quota was raised and promptly.
The work should be pushed to successful completion as quickly as
possible and your report sent in to Headquarters promptly on its
 This is a big job and it is up to you to see that it is finished
right.  This matter is urgent, the time is short, the money must be
had.  Let us have a quick, snappy campaign and put it over.
Ben T. Baird Chariman.
Anderson Township--
John Eitle
James Hood
John Bossiger
Mary Siverly
John Shotts
John Martin
Ray Berkybile
Arch Birchfield
Will Fetters
Al Leggett
Allen Pennell
Grand Turn--
Andy Geheb
Reno Schlosser
Jacob Maurer
John Meehling
Henry Ohm
Leonard Kile
Will Forbeck
Leander Wright
Phillip Spittler
Albert Kile
Possum Ridge--

Julian Harner
Newton Brosman
Phillip Kannamacher
Wesley Shotts
Alex Shelton
Ferry Kannamacher
W. C. Freeman
Walter Nicoll
William Kile
Dan Napier
George Strohm
J. Z. Williams
Chris Koppler
Frank Luckhaupt
Will Zeigler
Thomas Blizzard
Herschel Cline
Volley M. Williams
Perry Jackson
John Lederman
Darwin Township Hall--
Mrs. Roy Baird
Alfred Seidel
Harry Tingley
Arch Davidson
Black Hawk--
Rudy Miller
O. O. Taubeneck
Abe Coldren
Mrs. Ed Fishback
Mrs. Eugene Miller
Myrtle Gard
John Blockinger
D. G. Day
Mrs. Fairy Imle
Adam Imle
Otto Sockler
Modest Bohn
R. M. Clements
Fred Holwick
Will Bailey
Harry Lichtenberger
Fred Bohn
J. W. Hartzler
Hiram Hilbert Jr.
Mrs. John Paddock
J. E. Frakes
Douglas Township--
Chas. Myers
Herman Hollingsworth
Will Elledge
A. Elledge
Harry Reynolds
Harvey Nightlinger
Mrs. Guy Reynolds
Mrs. Robert Prewett
Pikes Peak--
Bernard Gallagher
Chas. Madden
Barney Curran
Fred Buckner
Norman Forsythe
Melville Fawley
Mrs. J. W. Campbell
Mrs. Omer Hall
Chas. O. Thornsburg
York Township--
John Mitchell
Clayton Mount
John Dickerson
James Weldon
Allen Lindley
Walnut Prairie--
B. F. Forsythe
George Cline
L. A. Manhart
Porter Sellers
Dan Prust
Ed Clatfelter
W. B. Baughman, Jr.
Mrs. Addie Craig
Lanty Garlin
Frank Prevo
Number 6--
Charles Strohm
Guy Broadhurst
Gertrude Poorman
Frank Lowe
George Whitlocke
Lower Union--
James Crow
Richard Routh
William Harrison
john Taggart
William Williamson
West York--
Wash Richards
Henry Winters
Fred Guyer
Adam Gardner
Ira Seigel
West Union--
Officers of Local Branch
James Nicol
W. F. Ormiston
Reese Pritchard
Arden Coryell
Shas. Murphy
Marshall Township--
Pleasant Grove--
Harry Findley
Homer Clark
J. E. Dawson
Mrs. Frank Stephenson
Rabit Ridge--
Virgil Hurst
Mrs. Ben Scholfield
Arthur Guinnip
Chas. Stepp
William Washburn
Florence Harper
Pearley Babcock
Mike Moor
John Casteel
Mrs. John Coates
Able Honderich
Harry Bamesberger
A. D. Swinford
Elder Lee
Mrs. Ed Renner
Theodore Miller
A. P. Fawley
Mrs. A. P. Fawley
I. W. English
Mrs. Robert English
Will Sharkey
Chas. Hornbrook
Ross Holler
Mrs. C. Shipe
Mrs. Ed Beadle
Mrs. Geo. Gunder
Officers of Marshall Chapter
Melrose Township--
Charles Hodges
James Kelley
Milo Baker
Ed Medsker
Carl Shaffner
Ray Cornwell
P. F. Dodd
Roy Wells
P. C. Hasten
William Medsker
Harry Mauk
Arthur Cork
Alvis Lindley
Bert Bartlett
Harry Davis
East McDaniel--
Otto Stanfield
John Leasure
Clarence Bryant
Isaac Hoskinson
Ross Cornwell
Albert Wright
Orlando Meeker
Isaac Thompson
Wall Buckner
Fred Thompson
Oak Hill--
S. D. Cooper
Bruce Evans
T. M. Clements
Harlan Evans
Perry Green
Ben Crow
Ed Nidey
D. H. Clements
John Seigel
Hampton Angel
Wabash Township--
Oak Grove--
Clarence Gilbert
Carl Clemens
Frank Taylor
Harry Whitson
Frank Geisert
Harry Maurer
J. L. Hawker
Herman Saiter

Rudy Kuhn
Dan Finkbiner
Chas. Wesser
Fred Macke
Walter Eden
Albert Baggs
Five Points--
Joe Adams
Joe Traviola
Nelson Campbell
Mrs. Jay Yeley
Mrs. J. Q. Snedeker
Will Hall
Alex McCoy
W. R. Patton
Will Osborne
Agt. Rollings
Wiley Elliott
J. Scholfield
Fred Montgomery
Mrs. Mable Hall
Rev. Tatte
Mrs. Cy Yeley
Ed Yolkers
Walter Lackey
Wash Hollenbeck
Herman Stoelting
Joe Dunlap
John Robinson
Hurley Welsh
Sing Snekeker
Dave Color
Pleasant Grove--
I. W. Williams
Will Setzer
Jerome Stogsdill
Scott Stogsdill
Mrs. John Setzer
Pleasant Hill--
Dave Setzer
Chris Stoelting
Grant Crumrin
Mrs. Ina Sweitzer
Mrs. Jesse Lowe
Mrs. Lyman Kuykendall
Mrs. J. D. Wyrick
Walter Machlan
J. L. May
Liberty Square--
Jehu Thompson
Robert Cooper
Sam Liffick
Frank Murphy
Tom Hewitt
William Pine
Mrs. George Burkholder
A. G. Dow, Jr.
Frank Welsh
Waler Welsh
Miss Alice Doll
Mrs. Ross Burkholder
Florence Macke
Mrs. Ed Jennings
Clyde Knowles
Ogden Fraker
J. A. Hutchinson
Hal Kesler
Everett Black
Luther Medley
Mrs. Martin Wernz
Mrs. Chas. Hackett
Mr. W. F. Taylor
James Pickens
John McGee
John Knox
Will Macke
N. Knox